What is Google Index?

Google Index is another name for the database used by a search engine. The indexes contain information about all the websites that Google (or any other search engine) has been able to find.

If a website isn’t in a search engine index, users won’t find it. The Prepostseo ping website tool is widely used by the webmaster to submit the site to search engines.

Pinging your website URLs on the search engine is very important in many cases. It helps you to submit the site to Google quickly.

Google or any other search engine will not be able to know on its own the changes or updates you have made to your website.

So this not only applies to the alteration, but you can also ping a new URL or webpage to allow Google to update the database.

Search engines usually take some time to recognize and index the data without pinging.

Problem if Indexing is not done

  • For example, you wrote an article and edited it in your link but didn’t submit it to Google. Now, It can be stolen by someone else before Google even reaches it.
  • And he or she can be able to post it as unique content and index it by Google.
  • Well, your content shows plagiarism if you try to ping it later. Then ping the content or new URLs because it is essential.

Index as the central reference point

  • It is the raw data in the Google index that ultimately determines the value of various search queries and keywords.
  • Search Engines apply their algorithms to access data and measure the frequency of different factors in different conditions.
  • The index includes URLs and all content, including texts, images, videos, and everything in the HTML of the URL.

Reasons that the site does not appear in search results

When Google indexes pages, they check for malicious scripts and downloads, policy violations, inappropriate content, etc. if a website detects content that should be blocked.

You can take the following measures:

  1. You can hide the site from search results without notice.
  2. It would be best if you warned about the possible danger of the site to the search results.
  3. You can add a site to the Safe Browsing negative list, which uses in most well-known browsers.

In such cases, users have presented a warning when they navigate to the page.

Content on your site might violate our policies even if you had no intention of doing so.

A content manager or SEO who does not follow our quality guidelines for webmasters uses link exchange schemes to rank a site in search results.

Your site has been hacked by professional hackers who do it for money or some other benefit.

1. You actively exclude search engines

  • You could unwittingly but actively instruct search engines not to index your website.
  • There are several ways in which this can happen. The first is WordPress, and you can find it under Settings – Reading.
  • If the above box is check, search engine crawlers will leave your site alone forever.
  • Deactivate (deselect) the tick and save. After that, however, it will be a while before Google includes your website in its index.

2. Your website is loading too long

  • Google declared goal is to bring order to the world’s information and provide its users with the best possible search results.
  • It also includes the best possible provision of this information.
  • Therefore, the essential that your website loads quickly.
  • Apart from that, your website should be set up and structured, with content that offers and helps your visitors.

3. Your content is over-optimized

While doing SEO on the site is essential, you can also overdo it.

When you focus too much on “pleasing” the search engines. Then you will most likely put your search terms
(keywords) in every nook and cranny of your site:

  1. Firstly, in the page title
  2. Secondly, in all headings
  3. in every paragraph
  4. you name all pictures with and
  5. Lastly, in your calls to action as well.

That is too much of a good thing. Make sure to write for your readers first and second for the search engines.

So if your pages fall behind in the search results (SERPs), go over them again.

This strategy is much better than trying to hack search algorithms in the long run.

4. You changed your permalinks

  • Another reason why your pages won’t appear on Google is if you change the permalink. It is the URL at which it is available.
  • There can be good reasons to change them, and new web pages are not a problem.
  • However, with an established website, this can degrade your ranking.
  • Even if you set up 301 redirects, you are still losing some original SEO power (also called link juice).
  • So don’t try to play too much with your URLs.

5. Lack of user interaction

  • With the introduction of Google RankBrain (an algorithm that uses artificial intelligence), the search engine is becoming more interested in user engagement markers.

Click-Through-Rate (CTR)

  • It describes the ratio of clicks on search results to the frequency with which the search result displays.
  • For example, a page appears 500 times on Google but is only click ten times; then, the product is a CTR of 2% (10 clicks: 500 impressions x 100).

Dwell Time

  • The time between a searcher clicking on the search result and returning from your website is Dwell Time.
  • Since it is the search engines’ job to provide people with the best possible search results, it is a good thing if visitors are happy with your page.
  • Consequently, that would be a reason to show your website more often in the search results for a specific query.
  • However, a short duration could be a reason to display them less.

Time on the website

  • The longer visitors stay on your site, the better. Google then assumes that your website meets the needs of your readership.

How to solve the Problem?

1. Submit page to Google – let Google call up the website

  • If your page is not yet in the Google Index, there is a very reliable way to get it included.
  • However, the solution is not that easy because it requires setting up the Google Search Console.
  • The advantage of this is that the Google Search Console is the best free SEO tool you can have.
  • To set up a Search Console, you have to prove that you have access to your website.
  • The easiest way to do this is to have implemented Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager on your website.
  • If this is not the case, there are other verification options. You can find information about this in Google Help.
  • Once you have fixed up the Search Console, you can have your website retrieved and sent to the Google Index.

2. Did Google lockout? Blocking via the robots.txt, no index & canonical tag

  • If your website is not indexed, it could be that you have Google banned your website.
  • But it is speedy and can be checked by yourself.
  • First, you must understand that specific directive instructions are, on the one with the Googlebot can communicate that your site crawls.

Any of these can prevent you from appearing on Google.

Robots.txt file

  • The robots.txt is a file situated in your server’s root directory and sends Google instructions on which areas of your website are accessible to Google.

 Meta Robots (Noindex)

  • The meta robots tag is not in its file but in the source code of the page itself – in the head area. That means you have to look in the source code of the site to see it.

Canonical tag

  • The Canonical tag is hidden, like the no-index tag in the source code of the page. It can be used by Google to refer to the original version of a page.

Also Read: Ranking – Seven Steps to Reach out Google’s First Page