YouTube SEO

YouTube SEO is all about optimizing your channel, playlists, metadata, Description, and the videos themselves. You can optimize your videos for search inside and outside of YouTube.

A crucial part of YouTube SEO is harnessing the text’s power in your video in the form of transcripts, closed captions, and closed captions.

How to get more views on YouTube

  • In an increasingly video-dominated world, getting more views on YouTube should be near the top of every content marketer’s to-do list.
  • If you hesitate to devote time and resources to a channel that doesn’t generate direct ROI, you’re not alone.
  • Many marketers under pressure to achieve short term goals prefer to give up YouTube and invest in paid search and paid social.
  • Without a good volume of top-of-funnel prospects, you won’t be able to achieve your long-term goals consistently.
  • You need to create content that spreads awareness of your company and creates an affinity for your brand.
  • YouTube is the perfect place to post that content.
  • And with the COVID-19 crisis making selling unusually tricky, now is an excellent time to focus on that pool of top-of-funnel prospects.

1. Create engaging content

  • It doesn’t matter how many hacks or ads you use if your videos aren’t good. One of the best methods is to create how-to videos
  • Identify what your ideal customers want to know the most, then create videos that meet their needs.
  • YouTube creator Graham Cochrane has racked up 51 million views on YouTube, focusing on valuable content.

2. Create videos on topics people are looking for

  • Unless you have a large following, like iJustine, the truth is that nobody cares who you are or what you do.
  • So, a better way to create content is to focus on what people are looking for and has the potential to drive traffic.
  • While people aren’t interested in what equipment I use, they may still be interested in some general advice on choosing a camera.
  • Consequently, if you aim to create content around topics with high traffic potential, you can get many views on your videos. It works even if you have 0 subscribers.
  • The easiest way is to use Ahrefs’ YouTube Keyword tool — which is also free. Enter a relevant word or phrase, and the device will show you up to 150 keywords and their search volume.
  • Use Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer to develop ideas from our database of over 800 million YouTube keywords.
  • Once you are done with keyword research for your video, you will need to learn how to rank your videos on YouTube.

3. Increase your CTR with a significant title

  • No matter how high your videos rank, you won’t get any views if nobody clicks on them.
  • It is why you have to write a title that entices you to click.
  • Although this could lead to clicks, it is difficult for you to keep your promise, and this would collapse the trust
    that users have in your channel.
  • Include the main keyword. The Briggs study shows that there are benefits to putting the primary keyword within the title.
  • It fits in perfectly with YouTube’s recommendations for including relevant search terms in your title.
  • Be concise. YouTube truncates titles that are too long. Try to be straightforward.
  • Focus on the benefits. Scream at the world why someone should watch your video.

4. Create interesting, unique, and relevant content

  • As much as the videos work, they do not stop being content, and therefore, when your audience views them, they do so intending to find value in them.
  • That means you need to create attractive, useful, and unique content geared toward meeting your audience’s needs.
  • Think that there is nothing more direct than content marketing, so try to respond in your videos to your audience’s possible doubts and concerns.
  • Also, try that your videos are evergreen, that is, that their content never dies, and before closing the video, add calls to action based on your goals.
  • Visit your blog, comment, or share on the networks.
  • And remember that Google classifies videos based on how people interact with them, so the more visits and interactions, the higher the ranking.
  • Google looks at the following aspects to determine the quality of a video.

5. Choose a title for your video that is ‘SEO friendly.’

  • The label is one of the critical parts of YouTube SEO and one of the most forgotten; you must include its keyword.
  • The label of a video is one reason we choose to click on it both directly from YouTube, and if you share it on
    social networks or send it by e-mail.
  • It would be best if you had a suggestive, striking, and that call to action. And above all, try not to exceed 60 characters.
  • Also, note that words like ” tips, ” mistakes, ” how, ” and the like arouse audience intrigue and make titles more clickable.
  • If you have a kitchen business and you know that your audience is looking for recipes.
  • That one of the most significant searches is for homemade pizzas – then it is ideal you optimize the word ” homemade pizza ” in your video.
  • In this example, you can see how out of 58,500 results on YouTube for homemade pizza, the best-positioned ones contain “how to make homemade pizza” with small variations in the title.

6. Feedback is valuable

  • Reviews are essential for the SEO of a local business. On YouTube, your criticism and feedback come through the comments.
  • YouTube better positions the content that achieves the most excellent effect on the audience, and words are precious to measure the reach you gain.
  • Try to encourage participation and comments by asking topics, throwing questions at the audience from time to time, or asking them to rate you.
  • Getting comments and interaction is essential to position your videos.

7. Get clicks with the preview

  • Preview is another significant factor in getting clicks and subscribers.
  • It is similar to what happens with the Meta Title and Meta Description in the SERP results.
  • If your video’s preview is attractive enough, you will stand out from the rest of the videos in the works, and you will get more visits and clicks.
  • Many users enter a video just from the preview, without stopping to read the descriptions. Take advantage of that.

8. Try to gain subscribers

  • The higher number of subscribers, the better the positioning of all your videos.
  • Be careful as there are always exceptions. And if you have gained many subscribers, but your channel loses in quality or content does not generate engagement, it will not have been of any use.
  • Many channels were old glories in the past and accumulated hundreds of thousands of subscribers, yet their current videos only get a few thousand views.
  • The subscription is a value of great importance for the platform, more than the comments.
  • If you get subscriptions, you are doing a job that matters to users. To achieve this, you have to create engaging, thematic videos that follow a progression.
  • Carry out analysis, offer professional advice, solve problems that users send you, motivational videos. In short, add budget.
  • Find your best marketing strategy to invite subscribers. If you have to launch a request to users, rather than a comment or like, they subscribe.

9. Focus on quality of content over quantity

  • Create as much content as possible on YouTube, hoping that this approach will keep you on course, gain popularity, and gain massive subscribers.
  • But that’s not the approach to take. We must always prioritize quality over quantity.
  • When you try to produce as much content as possible, the quality drops, the audience wants to consume perfect content and not just good content.
  • When you create great content, people share it. They tell others about it and refer to it as a resource.
  • They can quote it in a blog post, include it in their newsletter, or share it on their social platforms.
  • This way, your channel is watched by new audiences who, in turn, become subscribers.

10. Collaborate with another YouTube channel

  • Even if you’ve spent time promoting your channel and built up a solid following, the effective way to increase it is to collaborate with another track.
  • It means finding a complementary company or channel and working together on collaborations, mostly appearing in each other’s videos.
  • The two chains find their account, thereby opening up to someone else’s audience and sharing your expert knowledge or entertaining their viewers.
  • It is a great way to introduce yourself to an audience that may not know you yet.
  • It can be reciprocal, in that each of you can present the other to your audience.
  • Try to think about areas where you can add value to an audience and start a discussion. Everyone wants to grow their subscribers, and if you can work together to make it happen, everyone wins.

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