45.611.892 Inova Simples (i.s.) Sao Paulo

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45.611.892 Inova Simples (i.s.) Sao Paulo, Inova Simples (i.s.) Sao Paulo is a government-backed program that provides funding and support to startups and entrepreneurs in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The program was launched in 2019 by the São Paulo State Government and remains managed by the São Paulo State Secretariat of Economic Development.

i.s. São Paulo Has Two Main Goals:

  • To support the growth and development of the startup ecosystem in Sao Paulo
  • To help startups and entrepreneurs succeed in the Brazilian market

The program offers various funding options, including grants, loans, and equity investments. i.s. São Paulo also provides support services like mentorship, training, and networking opportunities.

To Be Eligible For i.s. Sao Paulo Funding, Startups, And Entrepreneurs Must Meet The Following Criteria: 45.611.892 Inova Simples (i.s.) Sao Paulo

  • Be located in the state of Sao Paulo
  • Be a for-profit company
  • Be less than five years old
  • Have a viable business model

i.s. Sao Paulo has funded over 1,000 startups and entrepreneurs since its launch. The program has helped to create thousands of jobs and make millions of dollars in revenue for the Sao Paulo economy.

Here Are Some Of The Benefits Of Receiving i.s. São Paulo Funding: 45.611.892 Inova Simples (i.s.) Sao Paulo

  • Access to capital’s. Sao Paulo provides funding that can help startups and entrepreneurs grow their businesses.
  • Support services’. Sao Paulo also provides support services that can help startups and entrepreneurs succeed.
  • Recognition’s. Sao Paulo funding can help startups and entrepreneurs gain recognition in the startup community.

If you are a startup or entrepreneur in Sao Paulo, i.s. Sao Paulo is a valuable resource that can help you achieve your goals.

What are its goals?

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45.611.892 Inova Simples (i.s.)

45.611.892 Inova Simples (i.s.) Sao Paulo, The Goals Of Inova Simples (i.s.) São Paulo Are To:

  • Support the growth and development of the startup ecosystem in São Paulo.
  • Help startups and entrepreneurs succeed in the Brazilian market.
  • Promote innovation and entrepreneurship in São Paulo.
  • Create jobs and generate economic growth in São Paulo.

45.611.892 Inova Simples (i.s.) Sao Paulo, i.s. São Paulo aims to achieve these goals by funding and supporting startups and entrepreneurs. The program offers various funding options, including grants, loans, and equity investments. i.s. São Paulo also provides support services like mentorship, training, and networking opportunities.

i.s. São Paulo is a vital part of the São Paulo State Government’s strategy to grow the state’s economy and create jobs. The program is helping to create a vibrant and innovative startup ecosystem in São Paulo, attracting investment and talent from around the world.

i.s. São Paulo is also playing a role in promoting social inclusion and economic development in São Paulo. The program supports startups and entrepreneurs from all backgrounds and sectors of the economy. i.s. São Paulo is helping to create a more inclusive and prosperous economy for all Paulistas.

What Types Of Projects Does i.s. Support?

What Types Of Projects Does i.s. Support_

Inova Simples (i.s.) São Paulo Supports A Wide Range Of Projects, Including:

  1. Technological innovations. Supports projects that develop new technologies and products.
  2. Business model innovations. Supports projects that develop new and innovative business models.
  3. Social impacts. Supports projects that have a positive influence on society.
  4. Sustainability’s. Supports projects that promote sustainability and environmental protection.

i.s. Is Particularly Involved In Supporting Projects That Are:

  1. Early stages. is committed to helping startups and entrepreneurs in their early development stages.
  2. Scalable. Supports projects that have the potential to be scaled and have a significant impact on the Brazilian economy.
  3. Diverse. is committed to supporting startups and entrepreneurs from all backgrounds and sectors of the economy.

Here Are Some Examples Of Projects That Have Received Funding From i.s. São Paulo:

What Types Of Projects Does i.s. Support_ (1)

  1. A startup that is emergent a new type of renewable energy technology.
  2. A startup developed a new mobile app that helps people find and book affordable food delivery services.
  3. A startup is developing a new online platform allowing farmers to vend their products directly to consumers.
  4. A startup is developing a new educational program that helps people learn new coding skills.
  5. A startup is developing a new healthcare platform that provides remote medical consultations.

If you have a startup or business idea that meets the criteria above, you should consider applying for funding from i.s. São Paulo. The program can help you to achieve your goals and grow your business.


Inova Simples (i.s.) São Paulo is a valuable resource for startups and entrepreneurs in São Paulo, Brazil. The program provides funding and support to help startups and entrepreneurs grow their businesses and succeed in the Brazilian market.

i.s. São Paulo is pivotal in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in São Paulo. The program is helping to create a vibrant and innovative startup ecosystem in the state, attracting investment and talent worldwide.

i.s. São Paulo is also playing a role in promoting social inclusion and economic development in São Paulo. The program supports startups and entrepreneurs from all backgrounds and sectors of the economy. i.s. São Paulo is helping to create a more inclusive and prosperous economy for all Paulistas.

If you are a startup or entrepreneur in São Paulo, I encourage you to learn more about i.s. São Paulo and consider applying for funding. The program can help you to achieve your goals and grow your business.

Here Are Some Additional Tips For Startups interested in applying for funding from I.S. São Paulo:

  • Make sure that your startup meets the eligibility criteria.
  • Develop a strong business plan articulating your startup’s mission, vision, and goals.
  • Be prepared to pitch your startup to the i.s. São Paulo team.
  • Highlight the impact that your startup can have on the São Paulo economy and society.

I wish you all the best in your endeavors!