A subordinate clauses, also known as a reliant-on clause, is a group of arguments that contains topics and a verb but cannot be used alone as a complete verdict. Unlike this subordinate complement, the principal or self-governing Clause acts as the primary impression, while subordinate sections provide additional info, context, or detail to the primary impression. You keep coming across them in the sentences you read and catch.

The Role of Subordinate Clause in Complex Sentences

Many of the sentences are multifaceted sentences. They combine a self-governing clause with one or more secondary clauses. These Clauses are essential building blocks within these multifaceted sentences, providing the essential nuance and depth to communicate composite thoughts efficiently.

By including subordinate clauses, we can generate sentences that flow rationally and take a more complete understanding of the subject material.

The Ranking of Thoughtful Subordinate Clauses for Effective Writing

Command of subordinate clause arguments is a crucial skills for actual writing. When used expertly, they enable writers to craft expressive sentences that engage students more profoundly. Furthermore, considering subordinate clauses safeguards writers to maintain clarity and consistency.

Subordinate Clause and the Relationship With Main Clauses

A subordinate clause is an essential English grammar concept that adds depth and difficulty to sentence constructions. A subordinate or reliant-on Clause is a group of arguments containing a subject and a verb that cannot express a complete proposition.

Subordinate clauses often commence with subordinating combinations such as “even though,” “since,” “when,” “since,” “while,” “if,” and others.

For example:

This Clause delivers additional information but does not express a whole idea. It requires a self-governing clause to form an intelligible sentence, such as: “Although she deliberated hard for the exam, she did not achieve well.”

Characteristic features

Subject and Verb:

Compared to independent clauses, subordinate clauses cover a subject and a verb. However, they lack the wholeness needed to form a standalone verdict.


The presence of subordinative conjunctions or relative pronouns marks the relegation of the Clause to the main section, indicating its dependence on the primary impression for meaning.

Additional Information:

Subordinate clauses often deliver supporting details, circumstances, reasons, or clarifications to enhance the understanding of the main Clause.

Identifying Subordinate Clauses

To efficiently recognize and understand subordinate clauses in verdicts, consider the following.

Look for incomplete opinions.

If a group of words presents an incomplete thought and trusts additional data to convey its meaning, it is probably a subordinate clause.

Check for subordinating conjunctions:

Subordinate clauses often start with subordinating conjunctions. Common subordinating conjunctions comprise “although,” “because,” “if,” “since,” “when,” “while,” “unless,” and “pending.”

Observe relative pronouns:

Subordinate clauses can also begin with comparative pronouns, such as “who,” “which,” “whose,” “whom,” and “that.”


Subordinating Conjunctions

Although: “Although it is raining, they decided to go for a walk.”

Because: “She missed the bus because she slept in.”

If: If you study hard, you resolve to pass the exam.

Relative Pronoun

Who: The lady who exists next door is a surgeon.

Which: The book, which is on the bookshelf, is my favorite.

Whose: The girl whose buddy won the award was pleased.

Types of Subordinate Clauses

You come across subordinate section types in various procedures, each serving a unique function within a decision.

Noun Clauses

Noun clauses function as nouns within a judgment and can act as topics, objects, or foils. They often begin with disagreements like “what,” “who,” “whom,” “whose,” “which,” etc.

Examples of noun sections and their functions


“What she said astonished everybody.” (Noun clause “What she said” acts as the verdict’s subject.)


“I don’t recognize where they went.” (Noun clause “where they went” roles as the direct object.)


“Her goal is to become a doctor.” (The noun clause “to become a doctor” aids as the complement.)

Adjective Clauses (Relative Clauses)

Adjective clauses offer more information about a noun or pronoun in the foremost Clause, substituting adjectives. They begin with relative pronouns like “who,” “whom,” “whose,” etc.



“The book that I hired from the library was attractive.” (Adjective clause “that I hired from the library” defines the noun “book.”)


“The girl who won the race is my fellow.” (The adjective clause “who won the race” identifies an exact girl and restricts the meaning.)

Examples of Subordinate Clauses

Subordinate Clause (Reason)

Main Clause: “She couldn’t join the party.” Subordinate Clause: “Because she was feeling sick.” Examination: The subordinate clause “because she was feeling sick” explains why she couldn’t join the party.

Subordinate Clause (Time) 

Chief Clause: “He will call you.” Subordinate Clause: “After he completes his meeting.” Examination: The subordinate clause “after his complete meeting” indicates when he will call.

Subordinate Clause (Purpose): 

Main Clause: “She Owned a new laptop.” Subordinate Clause: “so that she could effort more professionally.” Study: The subordinate clause “so that she might work more professionally” explains the determination behind buying an original laptop.
Subordinate Clause (Adjective Clause)

Chief Clause: “The house is lovely.” Subordinate Clause: “which was constructed in the 19th century.” Study: The subordinate Clause, “which was constructed in the 19th century,” offers additional evocative information about the household.

Subordinate Clause (Adverbial Clause of Manner)

Chief Clause: “He resolved the tricky.” Subordinate Clause: “by subsequent the commands carefully.” Study: The subordinate clause “by next the instructions sensibly” describes how he solved the problem.

Subordinate Clauses in Different Context

In Academic Writing

Subordinate clauses play a vital role in academic inscription by permitting scholars to present complex ideas, urgings, and supporting indications in a structured manner.

“The study meant to explore the impact of weather change, a global concern.”

In Storytelling, Narratives, and Creative Writing:

Subordinate clauses contribute to storytelling and imaginative writing, allowing authors to craft bright scenes, evoke feelings, and add depth to characters and locations.

 “In the silent forest, where the moonlight clean through the trees, she felt a sense of calmness.”

In Everyday Conversations and Informal Language

Subordinate clauses are used obviously in everyday chats and informal verbal, allowing for a more nuanced look at ideas and skills.

“I couldn’t attend the gathering because I had a prior promise.”


You’ve learned to split an informative sentence into two parts with a joining word in the middle. Plus, you have some super big words to tell everyone all about!

If you’re unsure, reread this guide – everyone needs a reminder sometimes, even grownups!