Meet the Most Popular Topics for Essays – Sometimes it is difficult to choose a topic for a persuasive essay, because it must be interesting and, most importantly, relevant. In this case, an article will come in handy, and after reading it, your choice will stop at one. According to the research, there are 9 popular essay topics that you may need for writing on paper.

Health and diseases

Unfortunately, there are many diseases in the modern world, and new mutations, types of bacteria, and viruses, such as COVID-19, are appearing every year. Therefore, a very relevant topic in the period of the pandemic for the essay will be the medical field. Since strict quarantine restrictions have been imposed all over the world, the economies of many countries have suffered greatly. A lot of people have lost their jobs, most small and medium-sized businesses have gone bankrupt. All these unfortunate events can become a good essay topic. It is also possible to raise the topic of vaccination because now many radical opponents organize actions against the compulsory and forced introduction of doses of Pfizer, CoronaVac, and others.

We must remember that we are in danger of facing many other diseases that have very unpleasant consequences, in addition to the coronavirus, against which we need to be vaccinated, to take preventive measures. This can be mentioned in the essay, because a healthy lifestyle, keeping fit is the foundation for our happy life. Abandonment of bad habits, nutrition, regular exercise has a positive effect on reproductive function, gastrointestinal tract, and other systems of our body.


In today’s world, almost everyone’s career is a priority, so the popularity of this topic is much debated. You can come up with many topics for essays because this is the area of ​​life we ​​face most often. Even when you are at school and do not work anywhere else, you can follow the example of your parents, teachers, older friends, sisters, and brothers. After analyzing every argument, you can form your own opinion about wages, working conditions, and the level of job satisfaction in general. kanchana 3 full movie download You also have plans for the future with which you can share and understand what steps you need to take to achieve your goals. That is why this topic will remain relevant forever.


In this section, you can include your favorite music, TV shows, movies, games. You can also tell about popular events, trending clothes, famous people, different kinds of music, for example, pop, rock, and classic. The best option for an essay is to write about what you like and what you enjoy. For more ideas, you can discuss them with a friend who is also crazy about the same content as you. As you speak, you fill your essay with vivid emotions, various arguments.


This is probably the most relevant topic for a students` essay because they visit school, college, or university every day. Here you can describe all your wishes to improve the educational system, you can influence the positive changes of your educational institution. This topic is the most relevant for the students during their studies.


This topic is the main tool for learning about the world and the culture of different peoples. Traveling with friends or family, we learn a lot and be able to use this knowledge for learning and including writing essays. Even watching travel shows on TV or online can inspire you to create a theme for your writing.


Your hobby can be a great topic for an essay. While writing, you will feel unrealistically cool emotions, because describing your hobby is a real pleasure. Show by your example that everyone should follow his dream, even if the path is hard.


Environmental issues are on the agenda now. Unfortunately, due to the opening of new plants, factories, and the emergence of various types of chemicals, our world suffers from pollution. Topics for essays on ecology will make many people think about the global consequences of the careless attitude of the world’s population to nature. After conducting analysis and a mini-study, everyone will draw an argumentative conclusion and become interested in the issues of this important topic and change their lives towards saving resources, sorting garbage, and other useful habits to improve the environmental situation.

Modern Technologies

Our modern world does not stand still and new technologies are appearing every day to make our lives more comfortable. Today, it is impossible to imagine today’s teenagers without a smartphone with extensive functionality and Internet access because now we spend most of the day in virtual reality. This is not surprising, because the training materials, the work of many people is focused on the monitor screen. That is why it is impossible to deny the importance of the technical revolution, but it is necessary to constantly improve this area and hire young skilled workers.

So the topics for the essay can be hidden in the usual things because we are constantly surrounded by smart devices for housework, cars, and much more. You can offer an interesting startup, assume the development of IT technologies in the coming years and present all this information in the form of an essay.


Starting from our first day of life, we are constantly surrounded by people. That’s why we should develop the skills of understanding each other. We instinctively choose a comfortable environment for us, but still, we must not forget that we will have to communicate with different people with different views on life.

Due to the formation of a large number of subcultures, social movements, people’s opinions are increasingly different, and this creates a hurricane of negativity, conflicts, and violence. So we need to think about how to make society better, friendlier, how to create a perfect world without wars. It is important to talk about these considerable topics and reveal them in an essay and craft the best essay samples, as a result.