Is COPD Contagious – Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is debilitating for millions, and it’s natural to seek relief from symptoms and resume living a normal and active lifestyle. The difficulties with breathing can hamper your lifestyle and prevent you from creating memories with friends and family members. Finding solutions for chronic lung conditions is possible but requires time and patience.

If you’re wondering is COPD contagious, you’re not alone. It’s the top question people want answers to when they discover a respiratory infection. Finding out that it’s hard to breathe is terrifying, and it’s something you want to avoid passing on to others.

Luckily, you’ve discovered the best resource to learn more about COPD, its symptoms, and the COPD medication to try. Continue reading to learn more about if COPD is contagious and your treatment options today!

What Is COPD?

COPD is a condition that results in restricted airflow to and from your lungs. Gasping, coughing, mucus, and difficulty breathing are the top symptoms to look for if you’re worried you have COPD. The leading causes of the condition are exposure to irritating gas and particulates, with much of the symptoms traced to cigarette smoke and use.

It’s fair to wonder is COPD contagious. It can lead to severe health conditions like emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Daily coughing and mucus buildup are signs of bronchitis.

Emphysema is a disorder that results in the air tubes in your lungs restricting airflow. COPD is chronic and will get worse with time. The good news is that COPD is not contagious, so you don’t need to stress about spreading it to your loved ones.

It’s treatable with suitable COPD medication options, like Breo Ellipta. Explore the breo ellipta cost to determine if it fits within your budget. It’s an effective medication to manage and treat your COPD symptoms.

Managing COPD Symptoms

In addition to using medication, there are several successful ways to manage your symptoms and regain your previous lifestyle. Lifestyle changes will help you reap the benefits of a healthy mind and body. It’s the best path toward a happy and fulfilling life with the people you love.

Here’s a deep dive into the steps you should take to manage your symptoms and eliminate chronic lung conditions.

Use Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises are an excellent way to eliminate stress and slow your mind. They also benefit individuals with COPD by slowing the respiratory rate and removing carbon dioxide trapped in their bodies.

Use breathing activities when preparing for any activity that causes shortness of breath. Breathe through the nose for two seconds, and breathe out through pursed lips for four to six seconds. Repeat the exercise until your lungs feel whole and healthy.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Food plays a significant role in helping you to manage and overcome symptoms from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Individuals with COPD have higher energy needs, which come from the food they eat. Complex carbs are an excellent source of energy to manage symptoms.

Dietary fiber is another crucial ingredient to add to your daily diet. Limit sugar, soda, and cakes to improve lung health and combat chronic lung conditions. You’ll notice a significant improvement in your health when pairing a healthy and balanced diet with COPD medication.

Try Pacing Activities

Pacing activities are another way to work your lungs into shape and overcome your COPD diagnosis. The process involves balancing your daily activities with ample rest to help your body recover. Break your tasks into more minor phases or steps to avoid overworking yourself.

Take a rest between each phase to regain your breath and energy. You can also pace yourself by handling your tasks at a slower rate than usual. You’ll expend less energy and require less oxygen when pacing yourself.

It’s one of the most effective ways to conserve energy and decrease the fatigue that holds you back. Analyze your energy levels when determining the best pace to use when going about your daily routine.

Stay Active

Regular exercise is a potent solution to managing the symptoms of chronic lung conditions. It’s the last thing most people want to do when feeling fatigued, but it’s vital to help your lungs and cardiovascular system. Exercises like hiking, yoga, and walking are perfect for moving your body and getting your blood pumping without over-exerting yourself.

You’ll improve your body’s stamina and strength when building physical activity into your routine. Find classes near you with medical supervision to take the first steps toward improving your health.

The best classes include educational courses on lung disease and nutritional advice. Group support and counseling are other features you’ll enjoy when seeking professional help for your COPD symptoms.

Manage Other Conditions

COPD worsens with time, and its evolution can cause other conditions that hold you back. Obstructive sleep apnea is one of the common conditions that spawn from COPD. OSA can cause brief periods of no breathing when you’re sleeping, creating a vicious cycle that leaves you short of energy.

Leaving these conditions untreated will worsen your fatigue. Focus on treating these conditions as they appear to preserve your energy and maintain your preferred lifestyle.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is vital when battling a respiratory infection caused by COPD. Dehydration hampers your energy levels, but you can provide your body with the nutrients and water it needs to help you overcome your symptoms.

Hydration also keeps mucus at bay, making it easier for you to breathe. Dehydration will thicken your mucus and worsen your symptoms. Drinking eight cups of water daily is a good rule of thumb to ensure the best health.

Now You Know Is COPD Contagious

It’s natural to worry is COPD contagious, as the symptoms detract from your quality of life and result in scenarios where it’s hard to breathe. The condition is not contagious, and there are steps you can take to manage symptoms and regain your previous lifestyle.

Stay active and drink plenty of water to manage mucus and decrease the effects of chronic lung conditions. Use pacing with your activities and build breathing exercises into your routine.

Your health is a priceless commodity; investing in it while you have it is best. Read more of our Health content for the best advice for a happy and healthy life today!