Customer E-Mails

Customer E-Mails are the emails sent to the customers depending upon the requirement.

E-mails to customers are an essential business card for companies. They should formulate a service-oriented manner.

When customers need information, help from the service department, precise wording, and explicit e-mails are essential.

E-mails should also reflect the company’s positive image, which is expressed in brochures or the website.

Service departments are often neglected by marketing when it comes to the form of communication with customers.

The communication guide is missing, or the texts are generated automatically from a service tool, and nobody has ever looked at them.

Types of Effective Customer Emails

  • There are generally two types of customer e-mails that you’re going to send: engagement and transactional e-mails.
  • Put, engagement e-mails are more about storytelling, while transactional e-mails are right on making and closing a sale.

A. Engagement E-mails

  • The aim of these e-mails is more for marking and storytelling rather than selling directly.
  • Your goal is to keep the subscribers interested and engaged with the brand, even when they’re not in a buying mood.
  • There is much creativity in these types of e-mails. In some cases, adding additional graphics or inserting links to audio and video can work fine.

1. Welcome e-mails

  • Welcome e-mails are the first e-mail subscribers you receive after you’ve verified your e-mail address.
  • Because this is your first interaction with your brand in your inbox, make it memorable and worthwhile.
  • After all, the subscribers must open and click welcome e-mails compared to other types of promotional e-mails.
  • Because the welcome e-mail is high engagement, it also works as a tremendous transactional e-mail.
  • The welcome e-mails have higher transaction rates and revenue per e-mail than other transactional e-mails.
  • It is typical for the welcome e-mails to offer discounts or free shipping to new subscribers.

2. Tutorials and tips e-mails

  • You should also send out instructional and training e-mails that help subscribers in practical ways to your industry.
  • They can be insincere or deep, depending on your products and your subscriber needs.
  • Instructions e-mails are a great way to familiarize your subscribers with your product or service.
  • It can be especially useful when it is not clear how your company can help you solve a problem or achieve a goal.
  • Teaching you something new can help you quickly make positive changes in your life that you can relate to with your brand.
  • Each edition of the tutorial includes several videos. Some even left and product reviews in the video.

3. Customer stories

  • Customer stories arise from the surveyor study of your customers. These stories could tell your success with your product or service and tips for other customers like you.
  • Your stories could also be in the form of pictures or videos that you took.
  • As these stories come from other consumers, it shapes the wisdom of the public.
  • Subscribers can recognize other buyers who share your interests and experiences.
  • Relate this concept to your e-mail campaigns, and subscribers look forward to your future e-mails and keep them open.

4. Brand stories

  • As opposed to telling the customer stories that speak about your product from your customers’ viewpoint, brand stories originate from you or your team.
  • It works best when there is a compelling personal story behind your brand. It will give your subscribers opportunities to identify with your brand.
  • Your brand stories can have other positive effects.
  • Customers exposed to a brand and the stories were more likely to describe the brand really and pay more for their products.

5. Re-engagement e-mails

  • Some subscribers are not as engaged as others.
  • Sometimes, it has been a long since the last update or isn’t interested in your e-mails.
  • Whatever the reason, it’s important to encourage you to re-engage with your product.
  • Consider the re-engagement campaigns that win back customers who are inactive or uninterested.

6. Cart abandonment memories

  • One type of transactional e-mail that is indispensable for any online shop is the shopping cart waiver e-mails.
  • These are the e-mails you send out when possible customers add items to your online shopping cart but did not purchase.
  • It could provide an opportunity to increase your potential profit since around two-thirds of the shopping cart transactions are abandoned.
  • An OK shopping cart waiver e-mail contains a prominent call-to-action and a compelling copy to remind the customer.

7. Time critical actions

  • Time-sensitive promotional e-mails contain an offer that is about to expire.
  • This offer could be limited availability of the product or service, or it could be a discount only for a limited time.
  • When sending this type of e-mail, the subject line must be clear about the time, the compassion of the e-mail.
  • Or else, customers might not feel the urgency to open it right away.

8. Access e-mails

  • It is the standard for online stores to send out confirmation or receive an e-mail once a customer has made a transaction.
  • But instead of just repeating the order’s details, there are plenty of other things you can do to add extra ROI to your earnings.
  • Your inbox also asks you to review the product as you are likely to use it and test it out right away.
  • This approach may not work well with physical products that take more time to get to the customer.

9. Sales follow-ups

  • If you’re selling a physical product, chances are your customers are waiting a bit before they receive your commands.
  • You can use this opportunity to send post-transaction e-mail updates about your order’s status, whether it’s shipped, delivered, or arrived.
  • Just like e-mail records, it is best if these e-mails are more for your branding opportunity.

10. Review requests

  • When a customer is happy with a purchase, they can send an inquiry via e-mail, in a review or rating.
  • After posting on your online store, social media pages, these good reviews serve as social proof to build trust among incoming customers.
  • You also send your other e-mails more effectively because reviews on e-mail campaign increase click-through rate by 25 percent.
  • The presentation of the application is visual.
  • Once you click on the picture to leave a star rating, you go to a page where you can both leave a star rating and a written exam.

B. Transactional Emailing

  • Transactional e-mails are not the “classic” e-mail, sent automatically without solicitation from the customer. It is an action carried out on the site by an Internet user.
  • Expected, by nature, by the recipients, they offer higher open rates.
  • For this, however, they must respect several requirements, come from an identified and consulted address, and contain a thank you for the completed action.
  • They present your brand’s logo and graphic charter, be interspersed with useful links, and remain informative.

1. The registration confirmation e-mail

  • Whether a customer subscribes to a newsletter, completes a questionnaire, or registers for an event, he must receive a confirmation e-mail.
  • It is the starting point of a budding relationship with him.
  • You can use this channel to provide additional information, such as a phone number or links to your social networks.
  • Your registration confirmation e-mails include a link allowing the user to validate their e-mail address. It will ensure you have an up-to-date database.
  • “Bring” customers back to the site through Call to Action, for example, those who want to know more about the site or services.

2. Password reset

  • It is another element to establish a relationship of trust between your brand and the customer.
  • Your password reset e-mail should contain clear, personalized, and straightforward information on how to proceed so that you don’t lose a user just because they can’t find their password.
  • Also, show that you care about your customers’ safety by adding a link to report a suspicious reset request.

3. The order confirmation (and the payment receipt)

  • One of the most available transactional e-mails, of course.
  • It allows the customer to check that his order has been taken into account.
  • The order confirmation e-mail also lets him know when he will receive his products.
  • Order confirmation e-mails with personalized product suggestions provide an additional chance of new orders arriving on the same customer site.

4. Personalized advice requests

  • A customer review request e-mail will let you show that you care about what they think about your performance.
  • Make sure the message is not general but well suited to the customer’s experience.
  • Start a conversation, and therefore mention the product purchased, the date, and questions related to goods or services sold.

5. The reactivation e-mail

  • Abandonment of shopping cart, newsletters never opened, subscriptions that expire, and many reasons to “reactivate” contact with potential customers.
  • This kind of message allows you to reclaim the place you deserve in the minds of those you are targeting.
  • They relaunch the brand/customer relationship and can therefore generate new order

6. Links that refer to the right channel

  • By including links that direct customers to your site or app, you will significantly enhance their engagement.
  • Thus, they will be able to consult your content in an optimized way, whatever the channel they prefer.
  • Transactional e-mails have many advantages. They can make you win new customers, bring back old ones, generate additional sales.
  • Share your experience in the comments area. And to find out more, do not hesitate to discover our E-mail Marketing solutions.

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