In the quest for peak physical performance and recovery, athletes and fitness enthusiasts are always on the lookout for innovative techniques. One such technique gaining popularity is cold plunging. Cold plunging is the act of submerging our bodies in cold water (typically up to the neck area) in a dedicated cold plunge tub. Studies have shown that cold water immersion is great for recovery for people who train sports or are just active.

For decades now athletes at the highest level of sports have dabbled with cold water immersion in the form of ice baths. It is only recently that cold tubs started to become a popular trend to have in your home. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of cold plunging and how you can incorporate it into your routine to get the most out of your body and exercise routine.

The Science Behind Cold Plunging

Before diving into the benefits and practical aspects of cold plunging, it is essential to understand the science behind the practice. When you immerse yourself in cold water (between the temperatures of 45°F – 55°F or below) several things happen in your body:

Vasoconstriction and Vasodilation

These two words are just fancy terms for the constriction of blood vessels in your body. When the blood cells in your body constrict (vasoconstriction) it reduces blood flow to the extremities of your body. This is an evolutionary process that has been programmed into our bodies and it helps preserve your core body temperature. When you exit the water your blood vessels start to dilate (vasodilation) allowing for blood to flow to the extremities of your body thus increasing the blood flow throughout your body leaving you more oxidized in the process.

Boost Metabolism

In our bodies, we have three kinds of fats, beige, brown, and white fats. All three fats play an important part in keeping us healthy but when you decide to take the plunge something interesting happens with your brown fat cells. The brown fat cells are activated when the body gets exposed to cold temperatures which fires up thermogenesis in our bodies (another way our bodies try to keep us warm). This process leads to an increase in metabolism thus leading to weight loss.

Cold water immersion will temporarily increase your metabolic rate as your body works harder to maintain its core temperature.

Release of Endorphins

Cold exposure triggers the release of endorphins, often referred to as “feel-good” hormones. These endorphins can elevate your mood and reduce the perception of pain, making cold plunging a potentially enjoyable experience despite the initial shock.

Now that you know the science behind it, let’s talk about how adding cold plunging to your workout routine can drastically increase your athletic performance, lead to better overall levels of health, and boost recovery times!

Release of Endorphins

Benefits of Cold Plunging for Active Recovery

We firmly believe that people should be training more so like athletes versus training to get a body builder-type physique. While we believe that there is nothing wrong with being jacked, we just believe that we evolved to be fitter like an athlete rather than being swoll out of our minds, and frankly, with how much exercise we do, it is all but impossible to eat enough calories to get like some of these people.

Let’s take a look at how cold plunging can help you as someone who either trains like an athlete or lives an active lifestyle.

Reduced Muscle Soreness and Inflammation

One of the primary reasons athletes and fitness enthusiasts turn to cold plunging is its ability to alleviate muscle soreness and inflammation. After an intense workout, your muscles can become inflamed due to micro-tears in the muscle fibers and the buildup of lactic acid. Cold water immersion helps reduce this inflammation by constricting blood vessels, which can lead to a faster recovery and less pain post-exercise.

Blood Circulation and Recovery

As mentioned earlier, the alternation between vasoconstriction and vasodilation during cold plunging can promote better circulation. This enhanced blood flow can deliver vital nutrients and oxygen to your muscles, facilitating the repair and growth of muscle tissues. It also helps remove waste products produced during exercise.

Improved Mood, Boosted Clarity, and Overall Well-Being

The release of endorphins during cold water immersion isn’t just about reducing physical pain; it can also positively impact your mental state. Many individuals report feeling more alert, focused, and relaxed after a cold plunge. This mental boost can be particularly beneficial for those dealing with stress or anxiety.

Cold plunging is by no means an easy task. Most of the time it is very uncomfortable to keep our bodies in cold water for a long period of time in the name of recovery but because we are actively working through something that is tough, we are also building up our mental fortitude. Mental toughness is a secret weapon and finding ways to actively work that muscle in our mind is a cheat code. While many may not see it as a huge gain, those who understand that this routine is just as much a mental exercise as it is physical will end up reaping the most benefits that are associated with the practice, to begin with.

How to Incorporate Cold Plunging Into Your Routine

Okay, now that you understand the benefits of cold plunging, let’s discuss how you can add this to your routine.

Really there are a couple of ways to get started but first things first, you need to either find a local wellness center that has a cold plunge or go off and buy your own. There are so many cold plunge tubs on the market right now that it can be daunting to find the right one for you but when you do your research, there is an item out there for most people.

What is Your Post-workout Routine?

Do you have a post-workout routine to begin with? As you age or get more involved in a healthy lifestyle, your recovery is just as important as the act of exercise. After an intense training session, take a few minutes to submerge yourself in cold water, whether it’s an ice bath at home or a dedicated cold plunge pool at your gym. Aim for a duration of 5-10 minutes for optimal recovery benefits.


To reap all the benefits and see the long-term results you are looking for, you need to be consistent with your cold plunging practice. The easiest way to stay consistent is to have your own dedicated cold plunge tub in the sanctum of your home but we know that can be an investment most people cannot make right off the bat. Find a way to keep this practice in your routine and if that means getting a subscription to the local wellness center that offers cold plunging so be it!


Cold plunging, as a form of active recovery, offers numerous benefits backed by scientific principles. It can help reduce muscle soreness, inflammation, and enhance your overall well-being. By incorporating cold plunging into your exercise routine and following the guidelines mentioned above, you can experience a refreshing and invigorating way to recover from intense workouts.