“What Level of Blood Sugar is Dangerous? “Is nothing but diabetes, a continuing (chronic) sickness that may affect the body and converts food into energy. It also changes most of the food you consume into sugar (glucose), which is released into your arteries. The pancreas releases insulin once the blood sugar level is high.

Insulin is essential for allowing blood sugar to go into your body’s cells to make them with energy. Inappropriately, when you have diabetes, your body makes insufficient insulin or misuses it.

As a result, too much blood sugar remains in your arteries due to low insulin or cells themselves stop reacting to insulin. This can finally lead to significant health issues like renal diseases, loss of eyesight, and also heart disease.

Levels of Blood Sugar

In case of more than 300 mg/dL analyses, visit your doctor immediately; otherwise, this might cause loss of consciousness (coma).

Mostly, a person’s blood sugar level should be 70 to 130; if it increases to to180-250, it is considered dangerous. The person should rush to the doctor for medical attention.

Blood Sugar Chart

People with diabetes must know their blood sugar levels to maintain health and avoid problems. In addition, knowing your blood sugar level might help you take remedial action for untested blood sugar, which is helpful for persons without a diabetes test.

Healthify PRO 2.0 comes with a wearable device known as GMC. It makes logic to know how food and other lifestyle aspects affect blood glucose levels even if you are outwardly healthy.

Some of the guidelines for blood sugar varieties


For an average person without diabetes, sugar level should be 70–99 mg/dl (3.9–5.5 mmol/L)

And for the person with diabetes, ADA recommends 80–130 mg/dl, i.e. (4.4–7.2mmol/L)

After meals, 1 to 2 hours

For an average person without diabetes, sugar level should be Less than 140 mg/dl (7.8mmol/L)

And for the person with diabetes, ADA recommends Less than 180mg/dl (10.0mmol/L)


For a Normal person without diabetes, the sugar level should be Less than 5.7%

Official ADA recommendation for somebody with diabetes: Less than 7.0%

Are High Blood Sugar Levels Dangerous?

To control diabetes, you must know the blood sugar levels dangerous should be as normal as possible. But regarding your health, you should know how careful you are if you are a diabetes patient. Hyperglycemia can happen at some point if the person is untreated and can cause significant health issues. Temporary cases can be resolved quickly, but in the case of Irregular hyperglycemia, there is a chance of risk if blood sugar levels rise knowingly or continue for an extended period.

High blood sugar levels might result in possibly deadly penalties like

Type 1 diabetics are most likely to have diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), wherein the liver breakdowns down, and fat is a source of energy, which leads to coma in diabetic.

People with type 2 diabetes are more likely to understand a hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS), which is risky, dehydration, along with decreased attentiveness or consciousness.

Frequently having high blood sugar levels for a lengthy period (months or years) can cause permanent harm to tissues like the kidneys, blood vessels, eyes, nerves, and nervous system.

Are Low Blood Sugar Levels Unsafe?

Therefore, the body’s cells require energy to function. Sugar in the body is the primary energy source known as “Glucose.”

“Hypoglycemia” is the health term for when your blood sugar level drips under the normal range. It also causes various symptoms, but a blood glucose test is the sole method to test low blood sugar.

Therefore, one of the most common reasons for low blood sugar is tablets for treating diabetes. Hence, when the person has type 1 diabetes, the pancreas can no longer make “insulin.”

5 Ways to Lesser Your Blood Sugar Level

1. Exercise

Exercise reduces your blood sugar level quickly and efficiently. After a workout, your blood sugar may remain lower for up to 24 hours. It also increases your body’s insulin warmth.

Although, the body needs glucose to perform during a workout. The muscle absorbs glucose from the cell and decreases blood sugar.

It would help if you were involved in an action that increases your heartbeat. For example, brisk walking and cycling are good for health. Importantly, you should observe your urine for ketones if your blood sugar is advanced than 240 mg/dl.

Therefore, you must avoid exercise if ketones are present and get quick treatment first.

2. Intake of carbohydrates

Your blood sugar level is dangerous is meaningfully impact by the amount of carbohydrates you eat. Also, this is because your body changes carbs into simple sugar, mainly glucose.

Support of insulin may store energy in your body, which increases the glucose level when you consume more carbohydrates or produce less insulin.

According to research, low carbohydrate consumption will help you properly plan and control your blood sugar.

You can consume some carbohydrates by choosing whole grains with better nutritional value.

3. Fiber Consumption

It helps to decrease  blood sugar levels by deferring carbohydrate breakdown and sugar interest.

Fiber comes in two varieties: soluble and insoluble. While both are important, soluble fiber mainly assists blood sugar organization, while insoluble fiber does not. Therefore, a fiber-rich diet can improve your body’s capacity to regulate and reduce blood sugar levels. Therefore, you may be able to manage type 1 diabetes better.

Among the foods high in fiber are vegetables, fruits, and legumes. According to USDA, a daily fiber eating of 25 grams is advised for females, while it is 38 gms for males.

4. Hydration

You may keep a healthy blood sugar level by drinking adequate water. According to research, regular water eating before a meal may lead to lower abstaining blood sugar levels.

Think of that: water is one of the healthiest drinks. Avoid sugar-sweetened drinks

because they can cause blood sugar to increase, weight gain, and the danger of diabetes.

5. Monitoring Blood Sugar Level

You can manage your blood sugar level more efficiently by taking care of it regularly. A CGM can complete this at home by consulting with your doctor.

You can measure your diet or drug regular tracking. Moreover, it informs you about how your body replies to specific diets. Further, monitoring your blood sugar unceasingly may be more beneficial than a one-off exercise.

A Healthify PRO 2.0 CGM helps you select if you should adopt a meal rather than evade it if it causes your blood sugar to flow. Some alterations may include reducing portion sizes or adding more nonstarchy vegetables.

The Healthily Me Note

Diabetes is a long-lasting illness that needs regular checkups and quick action. Diabetic patients need to keep their blood sugar level in the acceptable range, as both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia can be risky. A fiber-rich diet, sufficient water consumption, and the proper exercise routine are essential to uphold blood sugar levels.


When your body is not capable of producing enough insulin or can’t efficiently use the insulin that it produces, high blood sugar develops. You can decrease your blood sugar level by taking insulin. Discuss with your doctor how much insulin you should take. Take advice from your doctor or health expert to plan your diet for the long term.