
System32 is the directory located on the system C drive in the Windows root directory, is an integral part of the operating system, where critical system files are present.

Microsoft Corporation created and adjusted the release of the operating system “Windows” a long time ago.

Regularly receiving information about the operating system is required improvements and end-users’ wishes through feedback and release of test assemblies.

Microsoft develops and releases new versions of Windows.

Each such version includes all available updates and improvements to the system’s main characteristics, improvements in the software shell’s design and interface.

Each time, the operating system developers “Windows” increase its performance, trying to fully meet the increasing requirements for the work of modern personal computers.

However, as it did not change the structure and configuration of the operating system «the Windows, » there are standard system folders and files, ensuring its error-free operation.

From the first versions of Windows to the latest Windows 10 operating system, the system master directories for files and applications remain unchanged.

Developers “Windows” rightly judged and did not change the position of system folders and files with the proclamation of each new version of the operating system.

On the Internet, you can often find various jokers talking about the “System32” directory’s uselessness.

And it suggests the users delete it, coming up with different reasons (for example, free up space on the system drive “C,” or threaten that the directory contains viruses and malware).

Origin of System 32

  • The System32 file initially appeared in Windows 2000.
  • As a trolling pattern, System32 is a virus, and instructions for removing it are provided without displaying a warning message.
  • Newbies on trolling-friendly sites like /b/are often told, “Remove System32, and your computer will run much faster,” until the tips start to pile up.
  • Due to the critical nature of the manual, there are measures to protect against System32 deletion.

Removal of System32

  • System32 Removal is a popular trolling system tricks inexperienced PC users into removing the Microsoft Windows system directory called System32.
  • Windows to work, and without it, your PC would not work.

What happens if you try to delete the System32 folder?

  • A silly joke has been circulating the Internet for a long time in which wildcards try to trick people into deleting their System32 folder.
  • It would be finest if you did not do this because the System32 folder is essential.
  • If you delete the System32 folder, it will break your Windows operating system, and you will need to reinstall Windows for it to work correctly.
  • For demonstration purposes, we have tried deleting the System32 folder to see what’s going on.
    Warning: Do not try this at home!
  • We tried to delete the folder generally in Windows 10 and Windows 7, and both prevented us from deleting this system folder with the message “Folder Access Denied.”

System32 is Windows. It contains almost all Windows

  • The hard drive stores the program as the collection of files. The vast majority of files are present in the System32 folder.
  • There is a high probability that you will not remove System32 even if you are running “as administrator.”
  • You will find that the files are already in use, and you cannot delete open and used files. While Windows is running, these files are locked due to their heavy use.

What is the finest antivirus for Windows 10?

  • Although the System32 folder is not malicious and should not be deleted.
  • Malware can infect your computer even in the System32 folder.
  • If you suspect that your computer may contain malware, you should run a system scan with your favorite antivirus program.

What is the finest antivirus for Windows 10?

System32 content

  • In this folder, we will find everything you need to start Windows and for its regular operation.
  • For example, the first thing we see are DLL files: libraries containing parts of the code necessary to get Windows and many programs up and running.
  • We will also find EXE programs for the proper functioning of the hardware.
  • For example, you can find Task Manager, File Manager, and winlogon.exe here. Besides, all of these programs depend on the DLLs just mentioned.

What happens if I remove System32?

  • Removing System32 could better say, crash your operating system completely. This statement is not an exaggeration.
  • Without it, you will lose all files, not to mention that applications, programs.
  • And also, folders will stop working, making your computer an empty case.
  • Fortunately, Windows recognizes the importance of this folder and has protected it from preventing accidental deletion.
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  • As soon as you delete the folder, the system will start exhibiting hundreds of failures.
  • There won’t be a keyboard shortcut or trick that will work, even by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del, one of Windows’ foolproof methods.
  • Applications will not open, the Windows button will not work, and the only way to shut down the computer will be a force restart.
  • If reactivated, the system will try to repair itself automatically but will not perform the task.
  • After all, System32 was the folder containing the Windows repair files.

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