Ways to Protect Your Business from Hackers – There has been no stopping the growth of technology in businesses in recent years. But this has also meant that the number of hackers has increased as well.

There number of employees bringing their personal devices into the office has increased. Those who still continue to be working remotely are even more at risk. Many small businesses have experienced an increase in cyber-attacks. These attacks have been detrimental to their existence. The data breaches have meant that they have had to close down sooner rather than later. Sensitive information is stored and accessed digitally more regularly now. This is a more convenient method for keeping data safe but it also comes with more breach attempts.

Malicious hackers can gain access to confidential information through multiple methods. These include phishing, spyware, viruses and trojans. Businesses who want to protect their sensitive information use a  IT Support Provider. The most commonly used forms of protection are firewalls and antivirus software. Businesses have an obligation to protect not only their information but also their clients from hackers. If your business has not yet taken the necessary security measures then start now. Below are a few tips to help business start taking their cyber security more seriously.

1. Updates

It happens far too often that business personnel neglect updating their devices and applications. When there are those little pop-up windows people tend to ignore them when it is actually advising them apply an update. It is time to not press the “remind me later” button and instead apply the update as soon as possible. The longer you wait to update the greater the risk is of being hacked. This is because these updates are usually there to fix any security flaws. Not applying an update makes your device and apps more vulnerable to getting hacked. The best thing users can do for themselves is to turn on the automatic update feature.

2. Password Management

No matter how much technology and hackers evolve, a strong password is still one of the best forms of protection. However, setting weak passwords is still one of the most commonly made mistakes. Businesses need to advise their staff to use strong passwords and ensure that they are not easy to predict. A password that is personal to someone and easy to remember is very likely to be broken through. An initiative that businesses should use is a trusted password manager. These managers are able to track all passwords securely. They also randomize passwords for employees so that a hacker can never guess or crack it.

3. Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication has proven to be one of the best ways to prevent a cyberattack. This process is when your employees sign in on any new device, they will need to first enter the verification code they received via their email or phone before they get access to any account information. This is very useful because the chances of a hacker having access to a secondary device is very slim.

4. Limiting Access to Sites

It does not matter whether employees are working remotely or in the office. Their access to unnecessary sites should be blocked because it lowers the chances of a security breach. Another bonus is that it can reduce distractions and increase productivity. It is very often that unnecessary sites possess viruses and spyware which can be opened within a business’s network. Daily only safety protocols should be practiced to keep your business as secure as possible.

5. Encryption

Every business should use encryption wherever they can to prevent a cyberattack. Encryption is the method of mathematically scrambling your companies’ data. Have you ever typed in a URL and wondered what the “https” actually means? Any websites URL that starts with that is using a secure encrypted method of sending data. This will ensure that only your website and the website receiving information know what exactly it is. Websites that do not use encryption are often websites that should be avoided at all costs.

6. Firewalls

If your business does not have any firewall tools installed then you should start now. A firewall program is something that stops any unauthorized people from gaining access to data on a private network. It has the ability to recognize any foreign data packets that could cause issues. Even employees that are working remotely on personal devices should install firewalls. The use of a firewall is great because it alerts you whenever there is an attempted break-in. A big mistake that people make is forgetting to turn on their firewall before going online. Your business also needs to be wary of the firewall they use. Hackers are very advanced and have developed many ways of getting around a firewall. Therefore, the firewall used needs to be one that is reliable and secure.