How To Become a Back-End Developer? – Backend developers are responsible for the internal processes of sites and applications, build data exchange, select systems for storing and managing information, and provide maximum performance with a minimum of disruptions.  And if you turn to highly qualified specialists, then you can be confident in the future project.

Now let’s figure out what skills a good specialist should have and in what order they should be learned.

1. Decide on a programming language

Unlike a front-end developer, who only needs to know HTML / CSS and JavaScript, a backend developer has to make a tough choice.  There are many languages, some are developing more actively, others are used for narrow tasks.

Scripting languages   such as Python are suitable for beginner developers.  Firstly, it is really relatively simple, its syntax is easy to read, which means you can search for solutions to your questions and learn from someone else’s code.  Secondly, in the same web development, Python’s position is getting stronger every year.  If you are planning to dive into creating web resources, this language will provide you with a stream of interesting projects.

According to research by The State of the Octoverse, Go is in the top 10 languages   with the fastest growing community.  In addition, in 2020, it was ranked first in the list of the highest paid languages.  In backend development, it is needed to create microservices and high-load projects where many users simultaneously work with a site or application.

PHP is not losing ground as one of the most popular languages   on the Internet, Ruby and Node.js also offer great opportunities for those who learn them.  When you master the basic rules and capabilities of the chosen language, immediately try them out in practice.  Write small applications that will collect web pages for a given tag, automate your daily tasks, come up with goals and build paths to them.

2. Get to know package managers

When the introductory part is over, and the list of basic applications goes beyond 5-10 positions, proceed to the next step.  Learn package managers – special utilities that allow you to add third-party libraries to applications to expand your capabilities and create new functions.  You can also use them to offer your libraries for use by other developers.

Each language has its own batch manager.  It is called pip in Python, Composer in PHP, RubyGems in Ruby.  At this point, you will understand what your previous products are lacking, improve their performance and set new goals for yourself.

3. Embrace best practices

The main skill of any programmer is the ability to search for information.  Explore the experience of other developers on Github and other specialized sites, look for industry standards.  The non-profit organization OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) regularly updates its rules for building secure web applications.

Once you become familiar with package managers and familiarize yourself with generally accepted design principles, you can create more complex programs.  Search for open source projects on GitHub, understand their design, try something similar and add your own functions.  Feel free to ask questions, but remember that many questions are already answered on the forums.

4. Test your code

The ability to test your code and clean up bugs in it is a must-have of any developer.  Understand how the testing process is built, what tests are for applications and how they should be written.

Try to create such a test and test it in your early programs.  Remember that your efforts at this stage will determine how other members of the project team will treat you in the future – developers with clean code are valued everywhere.

And then you will definitely succeed!  The main thing is not to give up and learn from your mistakes.