English is a pleasant language

English is a pleasant language. It is a combination of French and German, which are beautiful and musical languages.

It is common knowledge that French speakers have real difficulties expressing themselves and having a good English accent.

Pronunciation is a significant obstacle, which can prove to be an embarrassment or even a shame for many of us.

Learning English can be an exciting journey for individuals seeking to enhance their linguistic abilities, especially for those residing in Toronto, for instance. Moreover, taking English lessons in Toronto also provides an opportunity to practice speaking with fellow learners who may share similar struggles.

But having a bad accent in English isn’t always a sign of low language proficiency.
Many French speakers speak fluent English but keep their French accent! So is it essential to adopt an English accent,

Pronunciation makes it charming

  • Reading aloud technique will help you have good pronunciation in English.
  • By reading aloud, you prepare your muscles to pronounce English words, and you can work on your accent at the same time.
  • But you have to be sure of the pronunciation of the words. So two main options to put this advice into practice Our way of pronouncing specific terms in English makes our reputation worldwide.
  • Regarded as “charming,” foreigners nevertheless appreciate our French accent!
  • The French generally do not make an effort to hide their accent or try to pronounce them correctly.
  • Should we only mention our “Ze,” “Rrr,” or even the “Ou,” which radically changes the sound of a sentence in English?
  • However, these English-speaking sounds are relatively easy to pronounce and accessible to all, unlike some more complex.
  • But we find that the vast majority of French people do not have the automatism to make these pronunciation efforts.
  • It is apparent as a lack of involvement in learning the language.

An accent is acquired from an early age

  • Having a good accent in English is difficult for French speakers, especially if you learn the language at an older age.
  • When we are children and have undergone intensive training with English-speaking teachers, we fully integrate the accent.
  • And unfortunately, it isn’t elementary to obtain it during adolescence or adulthood if one has not been bathing in this environment from an early age.
  • We all want to speak well, to express ourselves better in English to communicate easily with others.

How to learn English oral well?

  • The main reason we study a language, after all. Today, we are going to see together how to learn oral English well!
  • First of all, you have to define what speaking suitable English means to you. What does it mean to have an excellent oral expression in English?
  • Is it talking every day to do your shopping? Chat with the neighbor in English?
  • Is it to speak English at work? Or maybe your goal is to achieve a level of English similar to what you have in French?
  • Once you figure out precisely what you want to accomplish, it will be much easier to get there!
  • Singing your favorite songs is not only fun, but it’s a great way to improve your pronunciation in English! It’s a zero-excuse pleasure method.
  • Not only will it help you pronounce English better, but it will also allow you to improve your accent, speak more fluently, etc.
  • A more advanced exercise for improving oral English is to rap. Following the songs will help you have better pronunciation in English and exercise your tongue a bit.

How to speak English better?

  • How will writing help me speak better, you will say? For many, the truth isn’t speaking English but finding more words in the English language.
  • When you write, you practice making sentences and articulating your thoughts in English for reuse.
  • But where can you exercise your written English to train yourself to form your sentences and thus progress in oral English later?
  • You can start by registering on forums (video games, cooking, pick the subject you like): by doing this, you will have time to reflect and collect your ideas.
  • Plus, you’ll avoid the stress of knowing someone else is waiting for you to come up with your vision.
  • Once that becomes easy enough and more automatic, you can take it to the next level, online chatting, where everything will go faster, which is also a good workout.
  • You can even write short stories on topics. Then try to correct your text yourself.
  • Finally, share your book on Lang-8 for corrections. So you will learn from your mistakes and write better and better!
  • And traditionally, why not keep a journal in English? Write in it every day, and recount what happened during the day, share your thoughts, ideas, problems, etc.
  • You will thus focus your learning on your situations: nothing better than being sure to learn only the vocabulary you need!
  • You can do english homework at any time if you simply hire an english writer and add your requirements.

How does English sound like to foreign ears. Is it a pleasant language to listen to?

  • I’m from the UK and traveled and lived all over Europe, and I traveled extensively in Central and South America.
  • I observed that the Spanish speakers are not so keen on learning and speaking English as the French and Germans.
  • The reciprocal is the same. English speakers usually prefer to learn French to Spanish.
  • I know it was a lot harder for me to get my ear around Spanish than French and German.
  • And I have been told by some Spanish speakers who speak excellent English that they hate the English language.
  • The same with some Italians. I have heard Italians say they love French but hate Germanic languages.
  • The Flemish people who live in the Netherlands and Belgium speak the Germanic language, and French is commerce.
  • However, English has also become the language of business there.
  • They love the language. So do the Swedish, Norwegians, Germans, Polish, etc.
  • So when you have links to your language, it makes it less of an ordeal and more of an enjoyment.
  • You go to countries with a different structure and alphabets, such as the middle eastern and far eastern countries and even Russia.
  • It has been widely written that the Chinese have a love-hate relationship with English.
  • It is learned more of a necessity much more than as a like for the language. But the problem is exasperated because the language is not well taught.
  • The methods are typically lots of memorization of vocabulary and a hash of the rules of grammar.
  • I mean, the Chinese even write up and down, rather than side to side.
  • There are too few genuinely bilingual people, and those getting snapped up quickly for interpreter jobs and corporations that do business between China and the west.
  • So that makes the English language un-enjoyable, right there.
  • Perhaps the teaching of English as a foreign language is better in the UK than in the USA.
  • I have noticed that teaching ESOL in the USA leans very heavily on theory instead of practical, and I have seen a massive variation in teaching ESOL.

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