Before knowing the nucleic acid monomer, you must know about nucleic acid. So, nucleic acids are huge biomolecules of two main types: natural and artificial. Nucleic acids permit organisms to transfer genetic info from one generation to the next age group. How? These molecules keep the genetic information that regulates qualities, making protein synthesis conceivable. Let’s get started and know the nucleic acid monomer without taking further time.

Define Nucleic Acid Monomer

The nucleic acid monomer, or Nucleotide, comprises three sub-unit units. The subunits of the nucleic acid monomer are the Nitrogen base, the group of phosphate, and the part sugar. DNA, RNA, and nucleic acid are made of monomers identified as nucleotides. After uniting these monomers, a structure is formed known as polynucleotides. Here, poly means ‘more’.

Nucleotides comprise a nitrogen-containing loop form known as the nitrogenous base, a five-carbon ring sugar, and at least a single phosphate group. The sugar atom has an essential position in this structure, with the base fixed to one of its carbons and the phosphate group linked to another.

This function contains genetic data and transfers it from one age group to the following. It also translates the info encoded in DNA to construct proteins and helps in their fusion. You can mention a nucleic acid monomer drawing on the net to know it in detail.

Properties of  Monomer of Nucleic Acid

The properties of nucleic acid monomers are given below

It consists of a nitrogen-containing aromatic base involved in a pentose sugar, which is, in turn, close to a  group of phosphate.

They have a five-carbon sugar.

It comprises one group of phosphate.

This is a vast biomolecule that plays a vital role in all cells and viruses.

Nucleic Acid Structure And Function


The nucleic acid polymer formula stands for C10H14N5O6PIt is a polynucleotide, a lengthy chain-like molecule collected from a sequence of nearly indistinguishable building blocks called bases. Each nucleic acid likely comprises four nitrogen-containing bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine, and uracil. Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine originate in DNA, while Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Uracil are present in RNA.

Therefore, if there is no attach phosphate set, the sugar attach to one of the bases is known as Nucleotide. The phosphate group joins successive sugar remains by linking the 5’-hydroxyl group on one sugar to the 3’-hydroxyl set of the next sugar in the rope.

Function of Monomer Nucleic Acid

The chief and essential function of nucleic acid is shifting genetic info from one generation to another age group, as well as storing and presenting genomic info. Nucleic acid is a big biomolecule that plays a vital role in all cells and viruses.

DNA and RNA are portions of the Nucleic acid, and they both translate the data cells need to make protein. DNA makes the protein as per the genetic information stored by nucleic acids. And the produced protein conveys genetic structures from parents to their children. For example, children look like their parents. The calf appears like a cow or bool. It occurs due to nucleic acid that transfers and stores genetic information.

Interesting Facts About Monomer Nucleic Acid

Here are some facts about nucleic acid monomers,

Nucleic acid is a macromolecule that feeds genetic information and allows protein production according to the stored genetic info.

It includes RNA and DNA. These molecules are collect from long elements of nucleotides.

Nucleotides comprise a nitrogenous base, a five-carbon sugar, and a phosphate collection.

DNA comprises a phosphate-deoxyribose sugar backbone and the nitrogenous bases Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Thymine.

RNA has ribose sugar and nitrogenous bases termed Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Uracil.

It grips the basic building block for a lifetime.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Nucleic acid monomers and Polymers?

In nucleic acids, monomers are nucleotides collecting nitrogenous bases, pentose sugar, and phosphate collection. At the same time, DNA and RNA are measure as polymers of nucleic acids. DNA and RNA are collect from monomers called nucleotides.

What Are The Examples of Monomers of Nucleic Acid?

All nucleic acids is made up of similar building blocks (monomers). Chemists noise the monomers of “nucleotides.” The five parts are uracil, cytosine, thymine, adenine, and guanine.

What Is Nucleic Acid?

​Nucleic acids are huge biomolecules that play vital roles in all cells and viruses. The primary function of nucleic acids includes storing and expressing genomic info. Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, encrypts the information cells need to make proteins.

How many types of Nucleic Acids are present?

The types of nucleic acids are given below

(DNA) Deoxyribonucleic Acid

(RNA) Ribonucleic Acid

(MRNA)Messenger RNA

What Are The Functions Of Nucleic Acid?

Nucleic acids are classified into two dissimilar forms: DNA-deoxyribonucleic acid and RNA-ribonucleic acid. These two functions are storing genetic code and encoding, decoding, and moving these codes. RNA also supports protein protein synthesis.

Where Are Nucleic Acids?

It originates in all cells and also in some viruses. Nucleic acids have various purposes, such as cell formation, storing and giving out genetic info, building proteins, and generating life cells.


In this article, you have educated us about the nucleic acid monomer. Also, you know the structure and purpose of both nucleic acids and the nucleic acid’s monomer. It is a very multifaceted yet significant structure in the body. Imagine that nucleic acid does not occur.