In a world where technology has transformed the way we conduct business, remote closing sales have developed as an essential plan for modern sales experts.

Remote closing sales involve digitally concluding deals, contracts, and bonds, rejecting the need for face-to-face interactions.

This shift has been enhanced by various factors, including progress in messaging tools, changing customer likings, and the global acceptance of isolated work.

Define Remote Closing. 

Remote closing is a sales process that permits salespersons to protect deals without being present with the client. It is sometimes called “big-ticket” or “incoming” closing because it is classically used for high-value sales, such as homes or other classy products, and incoming sales where the client has already shown interest in the product or facility.

Exploring the Ideas of Remote Closing

Remote closing is about accepting technology to update the real estate closing procedure. Instead of meeting a person, it uses video conferencing software like Zoom or Skype to simplify virtual customer meetings. You can wear your pajamas, drink a margarita, and complete the work. But how does remote closing work? Let’s break it down step by step. Therefore, the buyer and seller agree on the terms of the real estate transaction.

Once the instructions are complete, the buyer and seller sign the necessary documents by e-mail. These documents are then securely spread to the remote closer, who analyses them for correctness and completeness.

Therefore, the remote closer has crammed the documents; they make a list of all parties involved in the virtual closing meeting. During the meeting, it guides everyone through the signing procedure, confirming that all necessary signatures are gain. They also reply to the queries or worries that may arise during the meeting by providing professional guidance and care.

After the meeting, it verifies that all require IDs have been sign and certify, if necessary. They then organize with the suitable parties to safeguard that funds are move and the transaction is formally close. Throughout the process, the remote closer acts as a trust intermediary, safeguarding that all parties are fulfilled and the transaction is complete quickly.

The Role and Responsibilities of a Remote Close

Let’s Discuss the unsung heroes of the remote closing world – remote closers. These tech-savvy individuals ensure that real estate deals are close smoothly. They act as the middlemen between buyers, sellers, and lenders, ensuring that all parties agree. Plus, they can close deals with just a few clicks of a button!

But what exactly are the responsibilities of a remote closer? Well, they wear many hats throughout the closing process. First and foremost, they are responsible for reviewing all the documents involved in the real estate transaction. This includes purchase agreements, loan documents, title documents, and more. They precisely examine each document to safeguard accuracy and compliance with legal necessities.

In addition to text review, remote closers also play a crucial role in organizing the virtual closing meeting. They schedule the meeting, invite all parties involved, and ensure everyone is ready to participate. During the meeting, they guide members through the signing process, ensuring that all necessary names are obtaine and the transaction is performe correctly.

Furthermore, remote closers are responsible for verifying the authenticity and validity of signed documents. These are  carefully check each signature and notarization, ensuring all legal requirements are met. If any discrepancies or issues arise, they work diligently to resolve them, ensuring the transaction can proceed smoothly.

Another critical responsibility of a remote closer is to coordinate the transfer of funds. They work closely with lenders, buyers, and sellers to ensure that funds are moving securely and promptly. This involves verifying bank account information, confirming wire transfers, and providing the necessary documentation to all parties involved.

The Benefits of Remote Closing

Remote closings provide the most benefit when parties are either not local to a transaction or are busy at work or on the go. That said, the flexibility of remote closings can be beneficial to any party to a transaction. Remote closings permit parties to sign closing IDs from wherever they are, either through e-signature or physical documents delivered to the party, usually by a mobile notary.

Additionally, the parties can work asynchronously, meaning that the availability of one party will not affect the other party’s ability to work through documents. If documents are store in a central online location, each party can see as documents are complete to track progress on the day.

Tools Used in Remote Closing

There are a few digital tools frequently use in remote closings, including:

E-signature tools:

These tools allow parties to make agreements to sign documents on their computer or devices without the need to download or print. In many states and counties, e-signatures are as valid as written signatures.

Mobile or digital notary:

Digital notary platforms provide notary services digitally, using video calls or remote screen capture to allow a notary to attest and authenticate signatures digitally. If a notary is require to be physically present, mobile notary services can send notaries to the location of the party signing.

Video calls:

video calling technologies such as Zoom allow escrow officers, loan officers, attorneys, and other professionals to be remotely present to help parties walk through documents, explain essential provisions, and guide the signing process.

Document hubs:

Digital platforms used by title and escrow companies and title attorneys give parties a view of the transaction as it moves through the process. This can be very helpful for remote closings, as the parties can track documents as they are execute.


Whether an in-person or remote closing is proper for you depends on the type of transaction, the other parties involved, your title or escrow company or attorney, and what the state or county requires. For those involved in several transactions, such as investors and builders, remote closings can make it easy to manage multiple transactions at once, especially from across the country.