A macro-virus is code designed clearly by the hacker or attacker using macro language (A language used to build applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint). Macro viruses attach themselves to documents and spreadsheets; when these files are opened or edited, they infect other documents. The dangerous thing about macro viruses is that they can infect any computer, regardless of its operating system. This means that whether your computer is running Windows, macOS, or Linux, it is susceptible to a macro virus attack.

 What is Macro-Virus?

A macro-virus is a computer bug written in the command language used to create software programs such as Microsoft Excel or Word. It centers on software requests and does not hang on to the operating system. As a result, it can contaminate any computer with any OS, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

If a macro-virus infects a file, it can damage the document, the system, and other tenders. So, security teams should not disregard the danger.

How does a Macro-Virus work and spread?

Macro malware is spread through phishing e-mails containing hateful accessories. The macro virus spreads rapidly as users share infested credentials, often by promoting the effected e-mail. Its code may also be copied to users’ computers after they click on hateful links in banner advertisements or URLs.

Macro-virus spread In Other ways

when documents are shared over a network

If the infected files are located on a removable disk and shared among numerous users

when an infected file is downloaded through a modem and unlocked

when an infected file is copied through the net or intranet and unlocked

Therefore, a program that uses macros can act as the virus-host, and any print of an infected program, irrespective of where it exists in e-mail, hard-disk.

What tasks does the Macro Virus perform?

When a macro virus infects a request, it executes commands and actions that begin automatically when it opens. An infected macro performed naturally infects every document on a user’s processor.

This virus can also perform the following:

It causes wrong doings in text documents, such as inserting or deleting words or pictures

It creates new files

They do the wrong thing or erase stored information

Therefore, it accesses e-mail accounts and sends copies of affected files to everyone on the user’s contact list.

How have macro viruses progressed?

Macro viruses frequently affect Word or Excel documents, two requests with powerful macro languages and structures. And they almost entirely targeted the Windows OS.

Since then, macro viruses have become dominant, affecting various requests, records, and OSes that use macros. Moreover, using the same encryption, a cross-platform macro-virus can affect both Windows and Mac computers.

For example: In 2017, Mac Downloader, the first Word macro-virus for Apple’s macOS, was discovered. Mac Downloader permits hackers to use hateful macros in Word documents to connect malware on Mac computers to giveaway users’ data, such as browser history logs, webcam files, passwords, and encryption keys.

What are examples of macro-virus?

The Concept macro-virus spread through infected Word documents with a doc delay attached to e-mail messages. It didn’t inflict damage on the affected computers but presented an onscreen message when it involved a file.

A more notable macro-virus is the Melissa virus. Discovered in 1999, this virus is spread through an e-mail file. When users open an affected file with Melissa, it affects their computer. It rapidly spread to other e-mail messages using Microsoft Word 97 and 2000 macros, Excel, and Outlook. Melissa disrupted over 1 million e-mail accounts worldwide, costing industries an estimated $80 million.

The Nuclear macro-virus was similar to Concept. Its malicious macros were designated “Execute Only.” It presented a strange message on the last page of a file when it was printed in the previous four seconds of any minute. It also causes error messages when an operator selects from File > Print or File > Save As.

A more recent macro virus was called US Associates and Rivals Digest Trump’s Victory — Carnegie Donation for International Peace.  It came through a malicious Word file carrying the MA Downloader macro-virus mentioned earlier.

The signs of a macro-virus effect

Macro virus infection may be challenging to notice. However, it does leave some ways that could indicate an effect.

For example, the structure speed may be affected, or the computer may demonstrate strange error messages. The Nuclear macro virus showed this note: “And lastly, I would like to say: STOP ALL FRENCH NUCLEAR CHALLENGING IN THE PACIFIC.”

A macro-virus effect includes

If the processer asks the user for a password on a file that doesn’t frequently require one and also saves documents as template files.

In what way are macro-virus detached?

If a system is infected with a macro virus, it should be done with specific safety software tools for macro-virus recognition and elimination. This can stop it from spreading across the system.

The first step in eliminating macro malware is to restart the computer safely.

Deleting provisional files can speed up virus scanning, free up disk space, and remove malware-effect temp records.

It’s also suggested that a virus scan be run on the affected computer. Suppose a real-time anti-virus package is already running on the mechanism. In this situation, the on-demand scanner is used first, tracked by a full scan using real-time anti-virus. This should detect and isolate any macro malware found on the system.

How are macro-virus prevented?

Prevention is always better than cure for macro viruses. Organizations can clean infected assets by regularly scanning all systems, documents, and inbound e-mail attachments. This will ensure no new macro virus is downloaded or performed across the system.

Other macro-virus cover plans include preventing users from opening doubtful files and stopping macros from running by avoidance when IDs are unlocked in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook.

Macro-virus is a particularly sneaky type of virus. Nonetheless, the risk is real. By following security best practices, organizations can stay ahead of bad actors and prevent macro-virus from causing havoc in the enterprise network.


Macro viruses pose a significant threat to cloud computing systems, and organizations must take steps to protect against them. By educating users, implementing security policies, using anti-virus software, and restricting access, organizations can reduce the risk of macro virus infections and protect their cloud computing systems.