A computer virus is a type of malware that, when executed, replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and inserting its code into those programs. If this repetition thrives, the artificial areas are said to be “infected” with a computer virus, a metaphor derived from biological viruses.

What is a Computer Virus?

A computer virus is a malicious software or malware that spreads between computers and causes damage to data and software. Computer viruses aim to disrupt systems, cause major operational problems, and result in data loss and leakage.

Types of Computer Viruses

Computer viruses have the “virus” name because they resemble illnesses in how they infect a system. Doctors can usually diagnose a virus based on symptoms exhibited by the body. IT professionals can do the same with computers. Typical signs of computer virus infections include:

1. Resident Virus

Resident viruses set up shop in your RAM and meddle with your system operations. They’re so sneaky that they can attach themselves to your antivirus software files.

2. Multipartite Virus

This Virus infects the entire system – multipartite viruses spread by performing unauthorized actions on your operating system, folders, and programs.

3. Direct Action

This Virus targets a specific file type, most commonly executable files (.exe), by replicating and infecting files. Due to its targeted nature, this virus type is more accessible to detect and remove.

4. Browser Hijacker

Easily detected, this Virus infects your browser and sends you to malicious websites.

5. Overwrite Virus

As the name implies, overwrite viruses overwrite file content to infect entire folders, files, and programs.

6. Web Scripting Virus

This sneaky Virus disguises itself in coding links, ads, images, videos, and site code. It can infect systems when users download malicious files or visit malicious websites.

7. File Infector

By targeting executable files (.exe), file infector viruses slow down programs and damage system files when a user runs them.

8. Network Virus

Network viruses travel through network connections and replicate themselves through shared resources.

9. Boot Sector Virus

One of the easier viruses to avoid, this Virus hides in a file on a USB drive or email attachment. When activated, it can infect the system’s master boot record to damage the system.

Symptoms of Virus

Over a few days or a week, the speed of the computer or web browser can significantly be decrease.

  • Regular crashing or freezing.
  • Modified or removed files
  • Unremembered installation/creation of new desktop icons or apps
  • Applications running without your permission
  • Programs that end without your permission
  • Modifications to your security settings
  • Unusual emails or social media posts made to a big audience without your consent.
  • Pop-up ads: Since they are often blocked by default in most browsers if you are seeing them, something has modified the settings (or you have otherwise explicitly allowed pop-ups)
  • Without your intervention, your default search engine was modified.
  • Browser links lead to the wrong web page.

Advantages of Virus

Many programmers have devoted their careers to creating viruses and countermeasures to make money and become more well-known.

If the system is significantly infected, you might also have to pay the PC professional to reformat it.

Many financial and educational institutions use viruses to prevent online hackers and scanners.

Disadvantages of computer virus

1. Slower Operating Speed

Background programs slow down a computer’s speed. A decline in performance is unavoidable because viruses are built to operate in the background and carry out several tasks. You may have a virus if it takes a long time for your Mac to start or access apps.

2. Loss of Software Functionality

  • A virus may change your computer’s system after it infects it, allowing you to access features you previously couldn’t. Even if you now have antivirus software installed, it’s entirely possible that you won’t be able to do so.
  • The Virus will probably make it impossible for any program to find and eliminate the problem it has brought on. The Virus’s designers do not want you to be able to remove it.
  • Dishonesty of soft wares and drivers.
  • It causes computer stress.


The world is full of viruses, and new ones are rising daily. Additionally, new antivirus software and procedures have been created. Being aware of computer programs and other malware is good, and protecting your surroundings from them is less exclusive than having to make rewards.

If your computer starts performing weirdly, it may have a virus. If the computer’s uncleanness is discovered, panic is unnecessary. When using the Internet to glance at and download data, it is wise to be cautious of malware. Some files that seem interesting could be hiding computer programs.

A computer virus is a program that may repeat itself and broadcast throughout the system. While most viruses are meaningless, a few can suddenly affect data files.