Abbott Tablet Uses In Hindi – Today, we discuss all the information about Abbott Tablet in this article. Let us first know which company manufactures this medicine. So, the Abbott Tablet is manufactured by Abbott Laboratories. It is a multi-national healthcare company that manufactures pharmaceuticals and healthcare products and develops and manufactures its medicines as per the needs of the patients. I hope I’m giving you the information you need about Abbott Tablet Uses In Hindi; let’s read more about uses, benefits, side effects, and much more.

Abbott Tablet Uses In Hindi What is Abbott Tablet Used For?

Abbott Tablet Uses In Hindi What is Abbott Tablet Used For_

If we talk about which disease Abbott Tablet is used in treatment, then Abbott Tablet is used in treating fever, pain, stiffness, and swelling of joints. This medicine is famous all over the world. One is the Ability tablet (Abbott tablet), which effectively relieves pain. In most normal bodies, the tablet’s effect lasts 8 to 12 hours. In which the person feels relief from pain. After consuming the tablet, you will feel light sleep, and your body will want to rest. In such a situation, it is better not to drive yourself.

What is found in Abbott Tablet?

Now, let’s talk about what is found in Abbott Tablet; this medicine contains two active pain-relieving ingredients. The first is Paracetamol, which helps relieve mild to moderate pain, and the second is Diclofenac Potassium, which relieves severe pain like arthritis. Apart from this, Serrapeptidase is found in it, which helps reduce swelling in joints.

What are the ingredients and composition of Abbott Tablet?

Abbott Tablet contains Paracetamol, diclofenac potassium, and serrateptidase, which reduce inflammation and also, relieve muscle spasms in the small intestine.

Abbott Tablet Price

According to the information available on the online 1mg website, the price of 1 strip Abbott Ability tablet is ₹ 120. This medicine is available only at some particular medical stores in India. You can find out about that from the doctor.

What are the benefits of Abbott Tablet?

What are the benefits of Abbott Tablet_

Abbott Tablet Benefits

Thus, if we talk about the benefits of Abbott Tablet, it is helpful in eliminating many types of problems like this.

  • To cure toothache.
  • To get relief from throat problems and also, throat pain.
  • To cure pain at the site of injury.
  • To provide relief from arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
  • To provide relief from gastric ulcer or gastroesophageal reflux disease.

What Are The Side Effects of Abbott Tablet?

What Are The Side Effects of Abbott Tablet_

Abbott Tablet Side effects

  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Irritability
  • Unexplained fatigue
  • Memory problems
  • Headache
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Severe stomach pain
  • Feeling cold
  • Chest pain with cough
  • Frequent urination
  • Change in urine color

What Four Things Should Be Kept In Mind While Taking Abbott Tablet?

What Four Things Should Be Kept In Mind While Taking Abbott Tablet_

  1. Pregnant women or lactating women should not use it.
  2. It can cause blood clots.
  3. It may reduce blood thinning ability.
  4. People suffering from kidney, heart, and also, high blood pressure diseases should avoid its consumption.

Who should not take Abbott Tablet?

  1. Pregnant women should avoid taking this medicine.
  2. Do not give this medicine to a child under 6 years of age.


Hence, we have shown you all the uses, benefits, and side effects of the Abbott Tablet. It indicates that many things can affect the quantity of medication a person needs, such as body weight and other medical conditions. In the future, if your doctor has recommended a different dosage than those listed here, do not change the way you take the medication without consulting your doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Abbott Tablet

Abbott Tablet Uses in Hindi What are the uses of Abbott Tablet?

Abbott Tablet relieves stomach pain, cramps, bloating, and also, problems caused by diarrhea or constipation.

Can Abbott Tablet be taken during pregnancy?

Although it has not been confirmed to date whether Abbott Tablet should be used during pregnancy or not, if a pregnant woman still wants to use this medicine, then consult a doctor once. Must take.

Does Abbott Tablet require a prescription?

Although many medicines can be purchased in the market without a prescription, if we talk about Abbott Tablet, you need to have a doctor’s prescription for this medicine. Even if you order this medicine online, you must upload the prescription.

What are the types of Abbott tablets?

Abbott is easily available through tablets, syrup, cream, injection, and also, spray.

Can I drive while taking an Abbott Tablet?

Although Abbott Tablet is never advised to cause sleepiness, it has been seen in many cases that its consumption causes sleepiness. That’s why, while using it, look at yourself for one to two days and then decide.

Does taking Abbott Tablet affect the kidneys?

As we all know, all types of painkillers are not suitable for our kidneys at all, and that is why it would not be wrong to say that taking Abbott tablets can also affect the kidneys.

What do you do if you forget to take an Abbott Tablet?

If you have missed a dose of Abbott Tablet, you should first check how much time is left for the next dose. Now, if there is a gap of 5 to 8 hours, then you can take the dose, but if it is time for your second dose after 3 hours, do not take the double dose.

Can Abbott Tablet be used with alcohol?

No, you should not use not only Abbott Tablet but any medicine with alcohol. Doing so may result in severe consequences.