A Buying Guide For Juicers – If you’re thinking of getting a new appliance for your kitchen, one that is high on utility and will make your diets and meals better, a juicer is what you need.

Of late, juicers have become a real hit product, allowing people to get their daily required intake of vegetables and fruits by making them into fresh, delicious juices. Gone are the days of relying on packaged juices, that generally contain tons of sugar and other additives. Juicers enable you to get the freshest juice ever, without having to barely lift a finger.

But like all other home and kitchen appliances, if you really want the best experience, you have to know how to pick a model that suits your budget and meets your requirements, and such a task is easier said than done.

In this article, we’re telling you how to buy a good juicer including what factors to remember, which features to look for, and a list of potential models as well.

Why Should You Buy A Juicer?

Before we get into the “how”, it is important to address the “why”. I’m sure that you, like most people out there, consider getting a juicer as a bit of a risky and unnecessary deal. It’s not something that is “essential” per se, and you might be questioning how much use you’ll get out of it. But, the truth is, getting a juicer for yourself is a great idea and will make your life better and easier in several ways. Here’s how.

1. If you’re someone who is not into fruits and vegetables too much, then getting a juicer will help you incorporate their goodness into your diet, by making them into delicious juices. You can make them a part of breakfasts, lunches, and even dinners, whether it is as cold-soups or smoothies.

2. You’ll be able to enjoy fresh juices and can finally stay away from those awful, boxed juices which have just as much added sugar as there is fruit content. Juicers are great for people who are diabetic or overweight, as you will be able to finally have juices that aren’t laced with high-sugar content, or require you to stand around and hand-juice them. Find some great diabetes juicer recipes here which you can turn to.

3. They’re an excellent, versatile way for you to stay hydrated all day long. Plain water can get a bit boring and blah, so freshly-squeezed juices are great to have in your bottle when you’re in the gym, at work, or just at home!

What Are The Types of Juicers?

There are two main types of juicers available in the market – Centrifugal and Cold-Press

Centrifugal juicers are high–speed juicers that create juice by grinding the produce. They are highly-powerful, and incredibly fast, and can juice even hard fruits like apples within minutes. They’re easy to use as well and really efficient. However, they do tend to be quite noisy and produce a lot of weight. They’re also unable to juice leafy greens and wheatgrass and tend to oxidize the juice more as well.

Cold-Press juicers, on the other hand, create juice through a two-stage process where the product is pushed through a presser to extract the juice, leaving behind the pulp. While these juicers retain more nutrients, produce less heat and give you more juice, they take comparatively more time and involve more effort on your part to cut and piece the fruits. However, cold-press juicers can be further divided into vertical cold-press juicers, which are more compact, stand upright, and are usually self-cleaning, and horizontal cold-press juicers, which are best for juicing leafy produce and can be used for other culinary functions as well.

What Factors To Remember When Buying A Juicer?

1. Convenient Pulp Ejection

When you’re juicing a fruit or vegetable, it is going to produce a pulp which is basically all that remains of the fruit once all the nutrients and liquid have been squeezed. The pulp ejection system should be easy and hassle-free on the juicer, and you shouldn’t have to dig around. On top of that, the pulp shouldn’t get stuck or create a blockage within just a couple of juices.

2. Power

Depending on how often you’ll be juicing and what products you’ll be juicing, choose the motor power of your juicer. For instance, if you want to be juicing leafy greens, you’ll need a powerful juicer of at least 400 RPM that can properly extract all the nutrients and goodness.

3. Noise

A major problem that many people face with juicers is the noise. Juicers tend to be noisy machines, although the newer, advanced models are much quieter. If you’re going by the type, centrifugal juicers tend to be more noise-less than cold pressers. However, the make-model is also a major factor that determines how noisy it is, so make sure to consult the salesman or product information for this.

4. Ease of Use

Buying a juicer is no help if it’s hard to use, and involves a lot of fiddling around, whether it’s during assembly, or cleaning. Make sure to get a juicer that requires little maintenance and is easy to clean, which involves a wide feeding mouth and a larger feeding tube.

5. Size

Size is another important factor to remember and consider. All of us have limited counter and shelf space, and cannot have a single appliance taking a giant chunk of the area. So the juicer needs to be compact and not bulky, but efficient at the same time. However, do keep in mind that size will increase with how much it can juice. So if you want quite a bit of juice every day and are looking for machines that can give you plenty, then you’ll have to deal with a bigger size.

6. Price

Of course, at the end of the day, price is an important characteristic which you cannot let go of. Don’t go for models that are too expensive because, beyond a certain price-point, most of the models have similar features. Instead, create a budget that suits you, and look for appliances within the same.