Creative Virtual Event Ideas – Are you ready to host your next virtual event? Before you start sending the invites, it’d be better to think about what you want out of it – and how you plan to get it.

Virtual events are slowly but surely replacing in-person events in almost every industry. Because of that, everyone is trying to one-up the competition. More and more people have more than one event at the same time – and they will attend the most interesting one.

So, how can you make your next event your best event? By being creative!

Why do you need to host a creative virtual event?

Virtual events are everywhere now – but that doesn’t mean everyone will attend yours. Out of 100 people you invite, more than 30 will not show. You need to improve your chances of having great attendance numbers by being creative.

Does that mean you have to give away prizes, have flashy lights, and over-sell your pitch? Not at all. That would be counterproductive, even. The idea here is to captivate people’s interests with something that’s both modest and interesting.

The most creative ideas are the ones people already know and love but come with a twist. Because of that, it’s not hard to figure out what to do.

8 creative virtual event ideas

1. Speed Networking

The second highest reason why someone attends a virtual event is to network. The biggest one is education (and we’ll tell you how to capitalise on that down below).

Being creative about networking is simple: give people what they want. Avoid any fancy ideas and get straight to the point.

For extra-creativity points, make an exclusive event (so people will try to get in, guaranteeing their attendance). At the same time, hosting high-quality networking events ensures future events will be at full capacity.

2. Happy Hour

Everyone loves happy hour – the hard part is to make that happen for people all over the city (or the country).

For big companies, you can send out a voucher with discounts to everyone who joins your event. Smaller brands could play around with the idea of a get together where everyone has a drink; maybe give small prizes to some of those who join (but remember not to make it the main attraction of your virtual event).

3. Concert

A concert will captivate most people’s attention – but not everyone’s. You can mix it up with another event to get everyone involved. We’ll talk about that down below.

The thing about hosting a virtual concert is sound quality. Unless you’re working with seasoned professionals, things can get a little messy on that side of things.

Have a mock concert a day before the event to ensure everything goes perfectly well. And plan the entire structure: your introduction, the concert itself, and your pitch at the end or closing statements. Musicians may lose track of time!

4. Fundraiser

People feel good when they help others. You can help them feel good by hosting a fundraiser. Use that opportunity to host your next virtual event.

There are many ways you can use this idea. For starters, any common fundraiser method will work fine. You can add a little twist featuring a silent auction or a game night.

Make sure people are engaged at all times. People will experience a downturn mid-way through – and that’s when you have to be at your best. Otherwise, people leave.

5. Guest Speaker Lecture

A guest speaker lecture is the perfect hands-off approach to hosting a creative virtual event. Your only task is to find the right person for the job. Other than that, you get to sit back and enjoy as much as other viewers.

You can host an interview if you’re not sure what the guest speaker will talk about (or if he’ll talk about what you want). That requires a little more effort – but it’ll put you in control and give you a higher chance of hosting a successful event.

6. Online Course

Hosting an online course is one of the easiest ways to have almost everyone join your event. Remember the number one reason why people attend virtual events!

The main difficulty here is figuring out what the course should be about.

Unlike a guest speaker lecture, you want someone from your company or brand to host the online course. Why? Because that gives you credibility and puts you in control of the content.

If you’re selling something at the end, you want to pitch it after the course is over – not have someone else give it up halfway through. Content control is crucial.

7. Mix it up

The best way to have a memorable event is to mix different ideas. For example, a concert with a happy hour after. An online course plus speed networking. A guest speaker and a Q&A session at the end.

You can chain similar ideas together and host a virtual event everyone will remember. That way, when it’s time to send out the email invitations for the next one, you know a lot of people will attend without a doubt.

Make sure you don’t go overboard, though. Nobody will spend six hours on a virtual event. Keep it short, sweet, and entertaining.

What’s the right virtual event for you?

There are no right or wrong options here. You need to know your audience to understand what you have to provide for them to come. That’s the point: they have to want to attend your virtual event; otherwise, the whole thing is pointless.

Figure out how you can maximise your event’s potential. For example, a fundraiser or concert is best if you’re trying to captivate an audience. A lunch or happy hour event is better for an established group because everyone will get an opportunity to talk and invest in the idea of the group.

Securing a big attendance is your number one goal – at first. You have to pitch your sale right after. That comes later, though.