
Work From Home concept applies to many self-employed workers, for example, exercising an artistic or liberal profession, who work only or partially from their home.

A part of their accommodation is reserved for work from home purposes.

However, suppose the workplace has a separate unit adjacent to the person’s housing but has a separate entrance.

In that case, the work performed on these premises is not ‘work from home.’

Work at home is any work carried out by an employee from his home.

In other words, working from home is work, but from home! You can even consider working at home with your spouse, partner, or even children.

Why work from home?

  • Even though men have been working from home since the beginning of time, homework and teleworking have only recently become more democratic.
  • This phenomenon began to gain momentum around the 1980s in America. This period corresponds to the arrival of computers and the Internet for individuals.
  • The concept of working from home and teleworking is the pretext for much debate.
  • It is a miracle solution for some, a waste of time for others, variation under many names to categorize this market. Only one thing is sure that IT is the primary key to this activity.
  • All studies show that working from home will increase in the next few years.
  • An increase in the price of transport and the cost of living, and the appearance of new technologies, allow everyone to stay at home to work.

Working too much at home can stress you out and destroy your well-being

  • Even more, office workers strive to work from home one or more days a week, but do they have the psyche and discipline to work remotely?
  • Employers are offering their employees the freedom and flexibility they need to solve part of their weekly tasks from home.
  • Nowadays, it is probable that up to 70% of all office workers worldwide are lucky enough to work outside the office, including from home, at least once a week.
  • 50% of them even work up to half their working hours, according to the most recent research.
  • However, home office work is not only a practical advantage; it also has its nuances and drawbacks.
  • Half of the 2,400 part-time home office workers responded that they take time off from their usual work.
  • 28% find themselves depressed and alone because they lose their daily co-workers.

Reasons for working from home sucks

  • Working from home is a great advantage when viewed from the outside.
  • You don’t have to commute to work, a big city that can take up to two hours saved.
  • You don’t have to put up with bosses or tiresome colleagues, and you are free to work the hours that interest you most.
  • It is easy to reconcile personal and work life.
  • For an extended period, working from home regularly, either as a freelancer or within a large organization, is a significant burden.

1. You are disconnected from the rest of the company

  • We don’t have to put up with the massive partner, we won’t get rid of the boss, but we won’t have an emotional connection with the rest of the team.
  • We will not go to the after-work, at the company dinner we will not understand half of the jokes, etc.
  • It takes a little emotional connection with the team to be more productive.
  • But it will also cost us more to enter the company philosophy. Aligning with corporate policies will be easier if we share a trench with our colleagues every day.
  • It is one reason why multinationals like IBM have backtracked their teleworking promotion, at least in the United States area.
  • Flexible work, yes, but integrated into a dynamic team and without losing the ability to collaborate.

2. You end up working odd hours

  • Since I don’t have to travel to work, you end up adopting very irregular hours.
  • Either you get up very early to have an essential part of the day settled when the rest of the family starts to get up or work very late.
  • To optimize your time, you go shopping at mid-morning, when you know that the supermarket is almost empty.
  • You do the same to go to the gym or avoid crowds if you have to do any management.
  • But this means that you are connected for more hours, because during all this time you have to interact and attend to colleagues, clients, etc.

3. You take care of solving any family or home problem

  • If a problem arises in the home or family, you already know that you will take care of it.
  • After all, you are the one who can adjust their schedules. That is the best of cases; you don’t work for others, and you stay at home watching series.
  • It is an evil suffered by many freelancers but aggravated by having to work at home, making you a homemaker.
  • It’s no use telling your mother-in-law that you can’t take her to the doctor because you have an appointment with a client.

4. Working in your pajamas is fine, but it doesn’t help your productivity

  • You get out of bed. You take a shower, make a coffee, and go to hell.
  • The discipline must not end up working in your pajamas every day from the beginning.
  • Because it is comfortable, but it does not help at all to improve productivity.
  • I know of some extreme cases of workers imposing strict discipline on themselves.
  • They followed the same rituals as if they went to work, had coffee at the bar, and then returned home to start.
  • They even forced the rest of the family members to call them on the phone instead of entering the room where they work.
  • In this way, pointless interruption.

5. There is not much regulation, and companies abuse it

  • When establishing the conditions to work at home, many companies take advantage of their strength and transfer all the employee’s burdens.
  • There is hardly any regulation. It means that they end up being abused in many cases, causing them to bear all the expenses without due remuneration.
  • You work with your laptop, your mobile phone, or you pay for the Internet line.
  • And besides that, you consume electricity in your house; you have to pay for more air conditioning hours, etc.
  • The expense of working at home rather than abroad is often not worth it.
  • Indeed, you will also have Internet access contracted, but the company must also bear the costs or provide you with an additional line.