Intelligence is influenced by many factors, like genetics, motivation the environment, culture, gender, self-concept, and language.

If the person is not motivated to learn since young ages, it’s more expected that this person ill have less contact with various sources of knowledge.

Studies are still going on to discover more about human intelligence and its impact to education, career, happiness, among other factors.

Here we will list a few factors that are considered some important influencers of intelligence. So, without further ado, let’s get into the influencers.


This is closely connected to motivation because people who are motivated to study will do so and seem more intelligent once the test results come back.

On the other hand, demotivated people won’t have the proactivity to learn new knowledge.

It’s regular to see demotivated employees in companies that have productivity reduced substantially. They don’t want to learn new activities and frequently are resistant to any changes. This is just one example of one aspect that turns motivation into a critical factor by making someone willing to learn and develop intelligence family man 2 review

Motivation and self-concept have a close connection with each other because if you have a positive self-concept, that will also motivate you to do better in school.

Motivation also means to seek meaning in what you do. Having a reason and a want to learn will make you know, whereas you may feel pointless if you don’t have any meaning connected to it.


There is, without a doubt, a link between how intelligent you are, your genetics, and the environment you find yourself in. For example, genetics gives you a low IQ; you may make the best of it due to a stimulating and positive environment.

On the other hand, if your genetics gives you a high IQ, but you find yourself in circumstances where you were malnourished and struck with poverty or had negative influences around you, you won’t use the high IQ to benefit yourself.

There is no way to change genetics, so it is essential to create the best environment for your IQ. Over the last few decades, education, nutrition, and the use of media have improved, leading to the population’s general IQ rising.


There is also a difference between the IQs of different cultures, but that doesn’t mean that some cultures are “less clever” than others.

Intelligence tests measure things that seem intelligent to a particular culture, but this way of measuring intelligence doesn’t measure intelligence in other cultures.

There is no such thing as a fair IQ test that can be used for all cultures. Someone may be viewed as very intelligent in their own culture because of their behavior but score low on the IQ test because it assesses intelligence with other standards that are not relevant to this person’s particular culture.


Social expectations of males and females also influence the different genders’ IQ scores. Males and females generally have the same IQ, but they do better in different domains.

Girls generally have better emotional intelligence, and boys usually do better in math. The cultural aspect also comes into play when it comes to the different genders because, from a young age, boys and girls are taught other things according to what is acceptable in their culture.


Self-confidence is also a factor that can influence intelligence, and your self-concept is the way you think about yourself.

It’s fundamental to work self-confidence as a learner to children in preschool years.

When you have a healthy and positive self-confidence, you will do better in IQ tests because you would have done your work, studied more enthusiastically, and been motivated to do well in the test.

If you think negatively about yourself, your intelligence may seem lower than it is, just because you don’t feel like you’re worth studying to perform well in tests, etc.


Specialists say language also influences intelligence. We need language to form thoughts and think critically about things. Therefore, you can associate things or ideas with words and organize thoughts more coherently in your mind.

Bottom Line

Through all of this, it is essential to remember that intelligence is a very dynamic concept. If you are a motivated person, you will question and learn more. Genetics, culture, gender, self-confidence, and language also play a main role.

Remember, being very intelligent doesn’t add value to your life. You are still just human like everyone else.