What information can you get from an SMS delivery report?

A key to starting a successful SMS campaign is to thoroughly track your campaigns, check reports and make conclusions to avoid the same mistakes in the future.

To do that, you can use SMS testing services like Testelium that provide an in-depth description of each and every SMS campaign.

An SMS testing tool shows which messages were and weren’t delivered, allows you to test SMS suppliers, test the quality of SMS routes, calculate bounce and delivery rate, and more.

By using and analyzing the obtained data, you will be able to improve your marketing strategies and thus, significantly boost the profit over time.

What is an SMS delivery report?

So, what exactly is an SMS delivery report?

An SMS delivery report (or DLR for short) is a report that can show you detailed information about every message that you sent.

For example, you can check whether the message is already delivered, if it is still pending, or if the recipient was unable to receive the message.

Thanks to that, you can understand how many people from your mailing list actually received your SMS and track which recipients don’t get the message on a constant basis. You will be able to always keep your mailing list updated with only active users in it.

How do SMS delivery reports work?

SMS testing platforms are one of the most useful tools to help you level up your game. Whether you decide to check the results of a huge campaign with numerous recipients or check the data of one single message, such a service will come in handy.

First of all, when you send out a big number of messages, some of them can be delivered immediately and some can be scheduled to be sent out later. If the message is sent out but is not delivered just yet, it will be shown as a pending message. This means that it is about to be delivered to the recipient real soon.

What is more, such a report allows you to see and count the percentage of bounce. Bounce in email and SMS marketing means the number o messages that were sent to the recipient but bounced back to you and weren’t delivered (hence, the name).

There are two kinds of bounce that you can track in your SMS delivery testing report.

A soft bounce means the message couldn’t be delivered due to some temporary issues (for example, the recipient’s inbox is full or their phone was turned off). However, the message will be delivered as soon as a problem is fixed.

A hard bounce means that the message can’t be delivered at all. Maybe you tried to send a message to a wrong or out-of-service phone number, or maybe you are on the recipient’s black list. Either way, there is no need to keep such a number on your mailing list.

How can Testelium help you?

There are multiple tools that allow testing of messaging routes on the modern market, but we consider Testelium one of the best choices so far. And if you wonder why, here are some key points that make this service stand out from the crowd.

Firstly, it is super easy to connect to your platform and start route testing. Testelium connects directly to the servers and allows you to schedule SMS texting via a simple and clear user’s interface. It is safe to say that testing SMS via REST API method is one of the most convenient ways of starting bulk SMS delivery testing.

Secondly, when using Testelium, you can be sure that you won’t face any fake DLRs. Fake delivery reports have been a major issue in SMS marketing for many years now, and if you use a corrupted service for your tests, you may not see the actual info about the delivery, Testelium provides 100% real SMS delivery reports about every message.

Thirdly, this platform has enormous coverage and allows you to test messages that are sent all over the world by different network providers. You will be able to check thousands of messages that are sent to different countries and bring your business to a new, global level.

What data does the Testelium report provide?

There are many things you can check by looking at a Testelium report. First and foremost, it shows a mobile network provider and the time of the delay, which allows you to compare different providers. You also can see the exact time when the SMS was delivered.

With the help of such a report, you can check fake DLRs. Plus, you can verify the recipients on your contact list. Thanks to that, you will be able to keep only active and real people.

Ways you can put the results into practice

With the help of this platform, you can not only see fake DLR but also see if the providers approve the content of your SMS. You will be able to edit your text and ensure the messages will reach your potential customers and leads while checking only the real delivery time, delay, and SMS delivery status constantly updating your mailing list and decreasing the number of failing campaigns.

Plus, the verification of users’ IDs will help you communicate with active clients only and keep them updated on your special offers, sales, and more. Thus, you will know that you are sending SMS to active users.

Summing up

With all the perks listed above we truly hope you consider using Testelium for SMS delivery testing. With such a tool in your arsenal, you can really improve the efficiency of your SMS and engage a bigger audience.