
A webinar is a seminar or training course that takes place online with the help of webinar software.

Several people can participate in a webinar, in which the webinar trainer either transmits his picture via the webcam or shares his screen.

Some webinar solutions implement varied forms.

And also, Some webinar tools also offer the possibility of conducting surveys among the participants and establishing a chats dialogue.

Features of the webinar

  1. Multi-directional conference
  2. Share video and presentation
  3. Text chat
  4. Blackboard
  5. Polls and surveys
  6. Desktop shared as a presenter
  7. Record broadcasts to watch later

Advantages of webinar

  • The webinar is suitable for both presenters and attendees. That is why the format is becoming more and more popular every year.
  • Moreover, Webinar makes it potential to hold conferences and meetings anytime, anywhere.
  • Anyone can contribute to a webinar without leaving work or merely staying at home, on a business trip, or vacation.
  • No more headaches regarding venue rentals, coffee breaks, and transfers – holding a conference is as easy as clicking the mouse!

Webinar for Online Education

  • As a trainer, you can reach a wider audience of students as they won’t have to spend time and money traveling. Participants can tune in to webinars from anyplace.
  • You can avoid costs related to venue rental, food, and other expenses, allowing you to charge less for the event.
    Companies primarily use webinars to train and update their workers.
  • In today’s fast-paced world, only those who retain the latest industry trends can succeed.
  • Also, many companies have employees scattered worldwide, so it would be too expensive to bring them all under one roof.

Webinar Marketing

  • Marketing is one area where webinars can bring the most benefit.
  • First of all, an online meeting showing casing your product is likely to attract more attention, as video content generates, on average, twice as much engagement.
  • Secondly, such webinars help you build a long-term personal relationship with your clients.

Goals of a webinar strategy

  • Depending on the company’s size, you don’t necessarily need a giant strategy, but a few preliminary thoughts and concepts are necessary.
  • However, for larger companies, a strategic vision is recommended so that the webinar manager protects himself against his superiors.
  • The webinar strategy intends to create a basis for all activities and the measurability of these activities to be addressed in webinars.
  • Without a destination, every path is right. To measure your webinar strategy’s steps and activities, you need to set a few goals first. What do you want to achieve with a webinar?

Here are a few inspirations

  • We want to generate new leads for our products/services with webinars.
  • With the use of webinars, we want to increase the usability of our products and thus ensure greater
    customer satisfaction
  • However, We want to simplify the on-boarding of new employees with webinars
  • Webinars are to be sold as an alternative to face-to-face seminars so that new sales remain generated
  • The customer community is to be close with the help of webinars to increase customer loyalty
  • There is the possibility of setting specific key performance indicators (KPIs) behind each goal, i.e., measured values.
  • Therefore, derive figures from your dreams that you regularly check from the start of your webinar strategy.
  • A little tip: develop a KPI dashboard based on Excel or Power-point that shows the most important key figures at a glance.
  • It is essential to check which other parameters the target’s achievement depends on, in your target concept.

Tips for organizing virtual events as a marketing strategy for your business.

  • It also serves as reporting for you and the management. In the medium term, this indicates whether the webinars are worthwhile for the company.
  • In the further course of the webinar strategy, we go into costs and necessary budgets.
  • Decision-makers in the company and those responsible for IT are also typical resources that affect the goals.
  • For larger companies, you have to formulate these dependencies in your webinar concept.

1. Create and share the list of your virtual events in advance

  • For virtual events that will last several hours, having a list allows attendees to prioritize the sessions and speakers.
  • The virtual list effectively shows the overall value of the event.
  • Besides, it will also be more accessible from an organizational point of view, directing life directing remotely.
  • It prepares the staff for camera changes, launching presentations, managing surveys, and much more.

2. Register for your virtual events

  • Ensuring a simple experience for registering for your virtual event is crucial.
  • Email is the best way to encourage your virtual event and continue the customer relationship, even after the digital event ends.
  • So remember: the success of the virtual event depends on an effective email marketing strategy.

3. Virtual events to optimize the speakers’ podium

  • Contact your speakers in advance to discuss where they plan to attend the event.
  • Provide an effective, stable platform to broadcast your virtual event professionally.
  • Beyond the platform, there is more. Let’s talk about the essential accessories for living and transmitting the virtual event,

4. Use social media for advertising your virtual event

  • During a conference, social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are the places where conversations between attendees take place.
  • Master the positive charge by transmitting and create an atmosphere of sharing by establishing a hashtag for the event.
  • And also, encourage your speakers and attendees to use it.

5. Always be engaging

  • Create opportunities to cooperate with attendees through live question and answer sessions, polls, and quizzes.
  • Remember to take moments to get people’s attention and invite viewers to participate rather than passive. This way, you will increase engagement by creating exciting content.
  • Try inviting attendees to submit suggestions or questions before sessions and then respond to those requests as soon as they end.
  • People who ask questions are much more likely to stick around to hear the answers.