Used IT Equipment: Why Should You Sell it Properly – Many businesses sell their used IT equipment when upgrading to new devices. However, some businesses do not realize the importance of properly selling their used equipment. There are many benefits to properly selling used IT equipment, including maintaining the security of your data, getting a fair price for your equipment, and protecting the environment.

Maintaining the Security of Your Data

When you upgrade your IT equipment, it is vital to properly wipe the data from your old devices before selling them. If you do not properly wipe your data, there is a risk that the new owner of the device could access sensitive information.

There are many ways to wipe data from a device properly, and businesses should consult with a professional to ensure that all data is removed before selling any used IT equipment.

Physical Destruction

One method of data wiping is known as physical destruction. Physical destruction involves destroying the physical hard drive of the device so that the data stored on it cannot be accessed.

This can be done by crushing the hard drive, drilling holes, or melting it down. However, physical destruction can be costly and time-consuming, so it is not always the best option for businesses.

Logical Deletion

Another method of data wiping is known as logical deletion. When you delete a file on your computer, it doesn’t actually disappear. The file’s space is simply marked as available for new data to be written over the top. They can recover “deleted” files quite easily if someone knows how.

For truly sensitive data, you need to use a method of deletion that will prevent recovery. One such method is known as logical deletion. Logical deletion is the process of deleting files in such a way that they cannot be recovered. This can be done with special software that overwrites the data on a hard drive multiple times.

Let’s take a closer look at how this works.

How Logical Deletion Works?

When you delete a file using logical deletion software, the software will overwrite the file multiple times with random data. This makes it impossible to recover the original file because the original data has been completely overwritten. The number of times the data is overwritten depends on the sensitivity of the data and the required level of security.

One thing to remember is that logical deletion does not physically destroy the hard drive. The hard drive can still be used after logical deletion has been performed on it. However, the data stored on the drive will be gone forever, and there will be no way to recover it.

Is Logical Deletion Enough?

In most cases, yes. However, there are some situations where physical destruction may be necessary. For example, if you are disposing of a hard drive that contains highly sensitive data, you may want to physically destroy it to make sure that there is no possibility of anyone recovering any of the data from it.

Getting a Fair Price for Your Equipment

Used IT equipment can be a great source of revenue for businesses, but only if the used IT equipment is sold to the right buyer like Big Data Supply inc. Many people and businesses purchase used IT equipment, but not all buyers offer a fair price. Businesses should take the time to research and find a buyer that provides a reasonable price for the equipment.

How to Find a Good Buyer for Your Used IT Equipment?

You should keep a few things in mind when looking for a buyer for your used IT equipment.

  1. First, you should ensure that the buyer is reputable and has a good history of buying used equipment. You can check online reviews or ask people you know who have sold similar items.
  2. Second, you should ensure that the buyer is willing to pay a fair price for the equipment. You can get an idea of what prices buyers are willing to pay by searching online or contacting different buyers.
  3. Finally, you should ensure that the buyer is easy to work with and has a good return policy in case of any problems with the purchase.

Types of Buyers

Businesses can sell their used IT equipment to buyers: recycling companies, refurbishers, and resale companies. Each type of buyer has its advantages and disadvantages.

Recycling Companies

  • Advantages: Recycling companies will usually take any type of equipment, regardless of condition.
  • Disadvantages: The equipment will be broken down and sold for parts, so businesses will not receive the total value of the devices.


  • Advantages: Refurbishers will purchase equipment in good condition and repair any cosmetic damage before reselling it.
  • Disadvantages: Refurbishers may not be interested in buying certain types of equipment.

Resale Companies

  • Advantages: Resale companies will purchase the most used IT equipment and usually offer the best prices.
  • Disadvantages: There is a chance that the equipment will not sell, and the business will have to lower the price or give it away for free.

Pricing The Equipment

Once the type of buyer has been determined, businesses need to price their used IT equipment fairly. Over-pricing the equipment will make it difficult to sell, but under-pricing it will result in lost revenue.

To fairly price the devices, businesses should compare the prices of similar items from different sellers. This will give them an idea of what similar devices are selling for and help them come up with a fair price for their own devices.

Protecting the Environment

Many businesses are unaware they can help protect the environment by recycling their used IT equipment. Electronics contain many harmful chemicals that can be released into the environment if not disposed of properly.

When businesses sell their used IT equipment, they can choose to sell it to a buyer who recycles electronics instead of sending them to a landfill. Businesses can help protect the environment and prevent electronic waste from harming our planet by selling used IT equipment to the responsible buyer.

The Dangers of Electronic Waste

Electronic waste, also known as e-waste, is any electronic product that has reached the end of its useful life. E-waste is one of the fastest-growing types of waste in the world, and it contains many harmful chemicals that can be released into the environment if not disposed of properly.

These harmful chemicals can contaminate soil and water and be released into the air when e-waste is burned. In addition, e-waste often contains heavy metals such as lead and mercury, which can pose health risks to humans and animals.

The Benefits of Recycling E-Waste

When businesses sell their used IT equipment, they can choose to sell it to a buyer who recycles electronics instead of sending them to a landfill. Businesses can help protect the environment and prevent electronic waste from harming our planet by selling used IT equipment to responsible buyers.

In addition, recycling e-waste can also help businesses save money on disposal costs. And finally, recycling e-waste can also help businesses comply with environmental regulations.


There are many benefits to properly selling used IT equipment instead of simply throwing it away or giving it away for free. Properly selling used IT equipment can help businesses maintain the security of their data, get a fair price for their old devices, and protect the environment.

Before selling any used IT equipment, businesses should consult with a professional to ensure that all data is wiped from the devices and that they find a responsible buyer who offers a fair price for the equipment.