
Quora is a question and answer stage that allows users to ask, answer, and even edit answers to virtually any topic or industry questions.

It went live in 2010. Quora allows users to ask and answer questions, and each question is assigned to a specific category.

Users can claim to be experts in certain types. Questions and answers posted on Quora can be rated negatively or positively by users.

As a result, well-rated and useful discussion threads are highlighted and shown more frequently in user feeds.

With the comment function, users can participate in or discuss the topic of the post.

Also, Quora offers an editing function that allows users to edit and improve foreign language questions and answers.

Quora, a concept of social network

  • As a concept, Quora is somewhere between a social network like Facebook and a knowledge forum like Mind the Book or Yahoo! Reply.
  • The Quora homepage feed is reminiscent of the Facebook timeline and allows visitors to use the website with unlimited scrolling seamlessly.
  • The spread is a mix of active discussion threads, unanswered questions about the selected categories, and suggestions on how users can complete their profiles.
  • If you’d like to contribute, you can do so without leaving the feed. It enables Quora to have a fast and dynamic user experience.
  • Quora needs a continuous flow of users, who are experts or educated people with different subject areas, to comment on a range of current topics.
  • Those just starting with Quora are likely to face a jumble of trivial and often confusing questions.
  • The goal of building a comprehensive database of user content that can rival Wikipedia seems to be incredibly ambitious.
  • The international reach is not strong enough, and there aren’t enough users in the world to make this a reality.
  • However, the potential is there: after all, the platform is easy to use, and you could do a lot with a large, knowledgeable community.
  • Thanks to the platform’s effective feedback mechanism, sharing knowledge straight can be fun.
  • Quora’s English language website is a thriving knowledge base that attracts significant investors and top supporters – e. Founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales.
  • A lot of users also use it for the entertainment aspect, clicking on exciting feeds for hours.

Quora connection

  • Easy. Go to http://Quora.com and choose from the following options: “Sign in with Facebook,” “Sign in with Google,” and “Sign in” at the bottom of the fine print.
  • If you choose “Sign In,” there is a “Forgot Password” option.
  • You can also download the app to the device and follow the instructions.
  • Sign in as before. Don’t sign in to Facebook or Google if you’ve already used your email address and password.
  • If you haven’t linked these accounts to Quora yet, create a new account. It’s a nuisance.
  • If you want to remove Quora from your old device, uninstall the app.
  • Or, if necessary, uninstall Quora using a browser, clear browsing history, and cache.
  • Erase your device from your Quora password if you’ve saved it. It depends on the device.

Create a Quora account

  • You can sign in to Quora with your email address, Google account, or Facebook account (OpenID).
  • They ask you to register with your real name, as it benefits Quora if their experts can be identified by name.

Steps to create an account with Quora and set it up for success

  • Now that you know what Quora is should participate in, let’s see how to set up your Quora account for success.

1. Join Quora

  • Just go to the Quora home page and sign in with your Google account, Facebook account, or email address.

2. Select at least ten topics to follow

  • Once you have registered, a modal window will appear asking for your areas of interest and offering many topics.
  • Select at least ten topics that are near related to your blog topic.
  • If you think the issues are too general, you can choose other problems that may not be related as you can always change them later.
  • Quora shows your content based on the topics selected here.
  • Next, It will ask you what issues you are familiar with and fix the most subscribers’ relevant problems.
  • Quora will also ask you if you can speak other languages. It is entirely optional, so don’t hesitate to ignore it.

3. Complete your profile

  • As you fill out this part, remember that your profile must prove trustworthy and credible.
  • Provide information as honestly and accurately as possible.
  • First, click on “Add Profile Credentials.” Make sure this part counts as your profile credentials will appear by default with every response you write.
  • Then click on “Write a description of yourself.”
  • Along with your profile credentials, your description is fundamental to make a first impression, as people who click your profile picture in your reply will see them first.
  • When writing your description, be sure to use the words you usually use.
  • Add social evidence if you already have it and link to your blog at the end. Lastly, proofread your description to make sure there are no typos or awkward grammar.

4. Post a high-quality profile picture

  • Pick a profile photo that makes you look presentable but accessible. If you can, use a professional image.
  • It is also suggested that you use the same image on your blog and social media accounts.

5. Complete the employment, education, and location certificates

  • The more information you provide, the more expert and credible your profile will be.

6. Connect your social media accounts

  • Quora allows you to share your responses on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
  • Connect your social media accounts from the Settings option in your menu.

7. Optimize your privacy settings

  • Can adjust even your privacy settings to maximize your visibility inside and outside Quora.
  • First, go to your privacy settings via Settings> Privacy.
  • The best way to have your profile appear in search results when someone searches for your label is to allow search engines to index your name.
  • So make sure this check box is checked.
  • You also want anyone who sees your response, and therefore your profile, to contact you. So choose “Allow anyone on Quora to send me messages.”
  • The same goes for anyone who wants to comment on your replies and posts. Therefore activate this check box as well.

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