How to Move Your Office across the Country? – Moving your office across the country can be challenging because you have to deal with bulky furniture, delicate electronics, and business files. More importantly, you don’t have much time because you can’t shut your business for more than a week. NYC moving companies can help you relocate your office regardless of your office size.

Relocating your office across the country is challenging, but sometimes you have to do it to grow your business. No doubt, it’s a difficult task, but after reading this post, it will become easier for you.

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10 Tips for Moving Your Office across the Country

Relocating your office is time-consuming, so you can’t expect it to get completed in one day. But, you can make the process simple by following these tips:

1. Plan Early

When you want to relocate your office, you need to start planning early. Ask yourself some questions, such as how will you do that, how long will it take to complete the process, and will you DIY or hire movers?  When you leave everything for the last night, you forget to pack lots of things.

Furthermore, by doing so, you damage your belongings. Plan early and start early. It will take months to bring your office back into its original shape after moving.

2. Hire a Manager

You might already have one, but this one will be managing your move. The role of the manager will be to facilitate and note down the progress of the move. The best way is to hire a person who has done this previously.

3. Hire the Right Moving Company

Moving across the country won’t be cheap, and it becomes more expensive when you don’t choose the right company. Shortlist the best moving companies and get cost estimates. If you have money, you can hire full-service movers. It will help you focus on other business-related tasks.

Before hiring a moving company, ensure that they have previous experience of moving offices. For accurate quotes, ensure that the company’s representative comes to your office.

4. Ask Your Employees to Pack Their Desks

This step can help you in many ways. When you ask them to pack their own desk, it will ensure that you complete the packing process completely. Moreover, they’ll pack everything carefully. Your documents won’t be misplaced. You can set your office easily after reaching your new location.

5. Keep Your Employees Up to Date

You can’t run a successful business without a dedicated team. When you plan to relocate, give your employees enough time to adjust and pack their goods. Communication is the key. When you share everything with them, it will make sure that they’re prepared for a move.

6. Prepare and Pack Office Electronics Carefully

Regardless of the size of your company, you need to relocate projectors, computers, air conditioners, and LCDs. If you want to pack them by yourself, make sure that you disconnect all the cables, pack them in plastic bags, and don’t forget to label them. Otherwise, they can create issues for you after reaching your new office.

Back up all the important data. It will help if any hard drives get damaged during a move. Electronic gadgets are expensive, so we would suggest hiring movers to relocate these gadgets. Moreover, experts know how to handle these accessories.

7. Change Your Company’s Info

As soon as you plan to move, change your company’s details. You must change the office address and other details on your company’s website. Change your business details on social media platforms as well. Create a post on your social media accounts to let your customers know about your new location.

8. Remove Unnecessary Items

If you’re working in this office for years, then you must have lots of unwanted stuff. You might not have removed them before, but you can do this while relocating to a new office. Donate or sell the items that are in good condition but you don’t need in your office. It will ensure that you have to deal with fewer items, reducing the moving cost significantly.

9. Don’t Forget IT

IT plays a major role in any company regardless of the company’s size and nature. When relocating your office, the most important thing is to disconnect and reconnect your tech. When you finalize the moving date, ask your IT department to transfer your technical equipment to a new office. It will make sure that everything will be ready when you relocate to your new office.

10. Make Sure Everything Will Fit

There is a possibility that you might have more space in your current office. On the other hand, your new office is compact and can’t accommodate large instruments like Fridge and other kitchenware. So, instead of wasting your energy on them, check the dimensions of your new office. Bring all those stuff that can easily pass through the doors and get fit in the new place.

So, all these tips can help you move your office across the country without any trouble.