If 1:x = x:64. what one number can replace x?

If 1:x = x:64, x can be replaced by 8 and -8, Colon : is used in proportion to 1:1, which means one divided by one.

Step-by-step explanation:
Given : 1 : x = x : 64
We have to find the value of x,
Consider 1: x = x : 64

This is the same as writing,
1/x = x/64
Apply fraction cross multiply: if a/b = c/d then a X d = b X c
64 = x2
Taking square root both sides, we have,
X = √64
We know √64 = ± 8
x = ± 8

Thus, x has two values x = 8 and x = -8

Solving Mathematical sum

  • In this article today, we’re going to look at a mathematical sum. There will be two types of people understanding this, people studying math first, maybe even with an exam pending.
  • The other guy will be someone who wants to learn or who is just bored and understanding this because you have nothing better to do.
  • No matter who you are, welcome! And I hope you can learn a thing or two.
  • If 1: x = x: 64, then x must be 8. It can be positive 8 or negative 8. 8:64 = 1: 8 = 0.125 and -8: 64 = 1: -8 = -0.125.

Algebra is easy

  • Many of us think that algebra is complicated and that you have to be a math expert to figure it out.
  • It is probably because our math teachers want us to find it complicated.
  • Algebra doesn’t have to be complicated, however. Here is a picture you may have seen on social media.
  • However, the rules and methods are the same regardless of the symbols.

Algebra is useful

  • “What is the point of using algebra?” Besides finding a funny post on Instagram?
  • Let’s say you have to cook dinner for your family. And everyone should have a can of beer. You need to know how much it’s going to cost. That’s the price of a can of beer.
  • If you have four family members, the total cost of beer is 4 ° C.
  • If you are a freelance writer, you might want to know if you are getting paid enough. Let’s say someone wants 2,500 words and pays $ 20 for it. However, they charge $ 10 for 1000 comments.
  • If $ 20 = 2,500 words
  • $ 10 = 1250 words.
  • It is in the amount that you want to calculate.
  • You can even lower the price if you feel good about yourself.

Steps to solve the proportion If 1:x = x:64

  • When dividing, we can use some symbols. When we write on paper, we usually write ÷. But when we are in front of a computer, we tend to write /.
  • Although “:” is used in proportion to 1: 1 (ratio of one to one), it also means one divided by one.

First step: what is the question?

  • The first step is to find out what the question is asking.
  • 1 : x = x : 64
  • We need to simplify the problem to more easily understand what we are trying to do.
  • 1 / x = x / 64.
  • We are trying to determine which number divided by 64 gives the same answer if that number is divided by one.
  • 1/8 is 0.125
  • 8/64 is 0.125
  • But at this point, you haven’t figured it out unless you have a calculator that you might not be able to do on an exam.

Second step: all the numbers on one side

  • Next, we need to separate the numbers from the letters. We want the numbers on one side of the equal sign and the notes on the other.
  • Which one to deal with first depends on what will be more comfortable. It can vary depending on the amount.
  • In this example, it is easier to get the numbers on the same side.
  • To do this, you need to multiply both sides by 64.
  • 1 / x × 64 = 64 / x. If you have x and it is multiplied by 64, you have 64 x.
    x / 64 × 64 = x
  • Our new sum is now: 64 / x = x.
  • What number divided by 64 is yourself?

Third step: all letters on one side

  • Now that we have all the numbers on one side, the next step is to place all the letters on the other side. The numbers are sorted, so only the letters need to be changed.
  • To fix this, we have to multiply both sides by Y.
  • 64 / x × x = 64. If you take 64 / x and multiply by x, you get 64.
  • x × x = y2
  • At this point, our new sum is 64 = x2

Step four: what is √64?

  • Now we need to know what time it is. Another way of saying this is, “Which square is 64?” or “What is the square root of 64?”.
  • If you’re lucky, a calculator can help you figure it out quickly.
  • However, if you are reading this to prepare for an exam, you may not have a calculator in your exam room when you take the test.
  • If it is you, you need to know your square numbers or table 1 to 10 times.
    Whichever method you use, √64 = 8.
  • 8 × 8 = 64.

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