How to Offer Condolences for Someone You Don’t Know Well? – Everyone goes through some struggles in life from time to time. This could be the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, an injury or sickness, or a variety of other things. While it is normally easy and comfortable to offer condolences to those you are very close with, this isn’t the case with everyone.

If someone you are aware of, but don’t know very well, is going through a troubling time, it can be hard to know what to do to offer your support. You want to express your sympathy and offer condolences, but finding the right way to do so can be challenging.

With that in mind, this article is going to go over a couple of great and appropriate ways to offer condolences to people you may not know very well.

Give Them Some Flowers

Give Them Some Flowers

One of the best options here is to express compassion with sympathy flowers. Flowers are a wonderful way to convey your emotions, thoughts, or feelings, without having to speak a single word or come up with something to say.

Flowers come in all shapes and sizes, and even different colors and scents. No matter the preferences of the recipient, there is certainly a flower out there that they will love. Flowers are also a very affordable gift, and are appreciated by just about everyone.

However, not all flowers are automatically suitable for being given in sympathetic events. Some are generally better for more positive and joyful times in life. Be sure to check out a helpful guide for choosing sympathy flowers to ensure the flowers you get are appropriate.

In addition to conveying your sympathy, adding a dash of color into their space with plants or flowers can also add a little joy into their life and help them feel a little better about what they are going through. Giving flowers can show you care and are thinking of someone, and is never a bad way to offer condolences.

Send Them a Card

Sending a card is another great and simple way to show your condolences. It is a little less personal than calling or visiting, but is still a wonderful way to show someone you care and are thinking about them. They can be kept and looked at for days, weeks, and months to come, as well.

Even if you don’t know them well, sending someone a sympathy card to their home, workplace, or the hospital can help them feel better and know that you’re in their corner. As for what you write in the card, that is completely up to you. In general, you want to be kind, positive, and make sure you offer your support in any way you can.

A card often takes little more than a few minutes and a couple of dollars to find, make, and send, and can have a huge impact. Even if you don’t know the individual well, they will certainly be happy to hear from you and glad to have the support and well wishes during their time of need.

Offer Group Condolences

If you hardly know the person, a great way to get around this without things potentially being awkward is to offer group condolences with other people. For example, if a coworker got injured, instead of giving them a card or gift on your own. Thus, consider coming together with other coworkers  to make a card or purchase a gift.

Doing things like this as a group can often be more comfortable, and will be just as appreciated by the recipient. Make sure to get everyone to sign the card and leave a small note, or pitch for the gift. This allows you to show that you care, without having to reach out emotionally to someone you may not know very well.

This also stops the individual from having to open a dozen cards, and can instead get all of the well wishes in one.

Keep it Short and Sweet

When offering condolences and well wishes to someone after a difficult event or situation, it is best to keep it short and sweet. This is always true, but especially with people you don’t know well. A few kind words of encouragement and sympathy are more than enough in most cases, and many people would rather have that than have you try to draw it out and make it longer than it needs to be.

More words and a more grandiose show of sympathy doesn’t always mean it is better or will have a larger impact. The affected parties likely have a lot on their minds and are going through a lot, so you don’t want to overwhelm them with too much. If you are considering getting them a gift of some kind, be sure to keep it relatively simple and small, too. After all, it is the thought that counts.

Be There for Them

Perhaps the best thing you can do to offer someone condolences and show your sympathy, even if you don’t know them well, is to simply be there for them. Times of struggle can often lead to feelings of isolation, so even if you don’t know a person well, being available for them to reach out to or speak with can be very kind.

Sure, they may not reach out and call you, or may have other support in their life, but knowing they at least have someone who they can reach out to during troubling times can be a great feeling. It may feel awkward to put yourself out there like this at times, but it can certainly be appreciated.

In conclusion, we hope that this article has been able to help you learn how to offer condolences for those who you don’t know very well. Even if you don’t know someone very well, offering your support when they are experiencing troubling times can go a long way in helping them feel better.