How Facial Plastic Surgery Can Help Facial Trauma Victims? – Plastic surgery is mostly known as a way of enhancing someone’s appearance by attaining more beauty. However, it is also used to correct tissue defects due to congenital disabilities, disease, or an injury.

A fall, car accident, an attack, or a sports injury- all this could lead to a facial trauma which can be an experience most would not wish for. Typically, facial injury treatment begins with an initial repair, followed by close check-ups. Additionally, for best results, your facial specialist might recommend a future revision. In addition, please visit Age Defying to get the best information about Threading Face Lift.

Facial Trauma

Usually, your face means a lot, as a beautiful face will help boost your self-esteem. This way, you will confidently express yourself to the world.

Most facial trauma victims regain their look after going through facial plastic surgery. If you are suffering from facial trauma, worry no more and visit your facial plastic specialist today. Your specialist will examine your situation and walk you through the whole journey from the surgery to the recovery process.

Typically, facial trauma can be a result of a wide range of injuries. You might suffer from minor injuries or a major accident resulting in broken facial bones. However, despite the damage sustained, the facial plastic procedure will help you restore your look. Additionally, your facial specialist understands the trauma associated with such a situation. Hence, they work to help you overcome it.

Meet Your Facial Plastic Specialist

Following your initial injury, the first thing would be to meet the facial specialist. Bearing in mind how overwhelming the experience can be, they will help you regain your look as soon as possible. Your doctor will base the initial repair depending on your trauma experience.

The treatment could include repairing the cuts on your face via stitches. In addition, if you had suffered some bone fracture, the initial treatment will consist of fixing the broken bones. Also, depending on your injury complexity, your doctor can perform the repair procedure in an operating room or an office setting.

Once you visit your facial surgeon, they will examine your situation and make some treatment recommendations. However, you may discuss how you wish the repair done with your doctor as it is possible to personalize the initial repair.

It is important to note that your initial repair will form the foundation of your healing process. Following your initial repair, be sure that you will require immediate care for the best results.

After Treatment Expectations

Generally, your healing process begins after undergoing the initial injury repair. During this time, your facial plastic specialist will monitor your healing process.

Additionally, your doctor will help you set some expectations while alleviating any possible issues. It is recommended you follow your facial plastic doctor closely during this time.

To help you achieve optimal outcomes, your facial surgeon might recommend some additional procedures or treatments. However, this usually depends on your healing process efficiency and how complex your initial injury was.

Procedures are usually applied to help the facial trauma victims improve their look from an evolving wound. Additionally, your facial doctor may perform a function to blend your wound borders with your healthy skin surrounding it. Sometimes light therapy or laser is applied to help improve your wound appearance, texture, and color. For maturing scars, your facial surgeon might administer some simple injections.

Scar Revision

Your wound may leave an undesirable scar in some instances irrespective of all necessary care and treatment measures. If you experience such a situation, your facial plastic specialist would recommend a scar revision.

A scar revision generally involves eliminating the existing scar using special stitching procedures. This technique helps in creating a less visible scar; hence, enhancing your appearance.

Although this procedure will require some extra time for healing, it yields some appealing results. Be sure to discuss all possible treatment options with your plastic surgeon. This will help you to come up with a customized plan to achieve your desired goals.

What Should I Expect During Recovery?

It is essential to understand that most body wounds take time to heal, whether recovering from surgery or facial trauma. However, although the healing process might be complex, patients experience changes in their injuries with time.

Most of these healing changes are all expected for the natural process of your healing. Generally, a successful healing process may take up to one year. Be sure to discuss your recovery process with your facial plastic specialist after undergoing the initial repair.

Briefly, some things to discuss with your facial surgeon include initial sealing of your wound and repairing your underlying structural components. Also, your doctor will inform you on how often you should visit the center for structure remodeling.

Persistence and patience are paramount for successful healing and the best results. Be sure to invest your time in making sure you attend all scheduled check-ups for quick recovery.


Facial trauma victims usually go through tough times that affect them both emotionally and physically. However, once you visit your facial plastic doctor at Thompson Facial Plastics, we will help you regain your beautiful look back. Our facial plastic surgeon will walk with you from day one till you successfully recover. With use, be sure of qualified professionals to help you in your initial procedure, additional treatments, and recovery process. We also support all our patients deal with cases requiring scar revision by performing a scar revision procedure.

Generally, we customize the facial plastic procedures to meet our patients’ goals suffering from facial trauma. This enables us to achieve successful results for all our clients as our primary motive is to help all facial trauma patients restore their beautiful appearance.

Are you a facial trauma victim? Or do you know of a friend or a family member undergoing facial trauma? If so, be sure to visit or contact us right away.