Effects of Covid-19

The Effects of Covid-19, the coronavirus disease, were stressful for people.

Fear and anxiety about a new disease was overwhelming and caused harsh sentiments in grown-ups and offspring.

Public well-being actions, such as social distancing, can make people feel isolated and lonely and increase stress and anxiety.

Actions necessary during the pandemic

  • Healthily handling stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.
  • In the absence of a vaccine or treatment against Covid-19, “stay home, save lives” has become a global slogan.
  • Health workers have been in the forefront with Covid-19, seeing action on the Home Front during the pandemic.
  • In most families, parents have been managing the care and education of children.
  • And also, juggling the new demands of working from home and concerns for older relatives.
  • The impact on families and parents’ physical and mental health has been the source of comments and speculations.
  • During the pandemic, we stayed at our homes for safety and support.
  • Many children have helped from more time with their parents and regular daily patterns of meal and bedtimes.
  • It has also been expensive for families in terms of health, living conditions, and resources.

Relationship between family and child psychology

  • Taking an anthropologist’s perspective, Margaret Mead has highlighted the importance of the link between family relationships and integrating the individual into society.
  • Men and women merge into a socially determined role and, in turn, condition their children to it.
  • The laws governing the constitution and structure of the family are a kind of language.
  • It is like a system of operations, allowing a kind of communication between individuals and groups.
  • It results from a constructed and cultural artificial phenomenon assigning the individual to various tasks, roles, and statuses.
  • Studying the family is therefore also learning a system of relationships, the male / female relationship that overwhelms and builds it

Consequences of Covid-19

1. Effects of covid-19 on Families

  • In addition to the consequences of COVID-19 on our health system, the emergence of this new virus has adverse effects on families’ situation.
  • Containment and social distancing measures have notably led to increased business closures, layoffs, and employment insurance claims.
  • The pandemic risks weakening the financial situation of several households.
  • Besides, people with COVID-19 could see their income decrease during their mandatory confinement.

2. Effects of covid-19 on health problems

  • The containment measures put in place also increased feelings of anxiety, fear, and panic.
  • People already struggling with a mental health problem may be more at risk of suffering from psychological distress when they are isolated
  • Home confinement can be a risk for some families, for example, in a household with a spouse or abusive parents.
  • Finally, specific measures aimed at reducing the virus’s spread could result in the interruption of social support services.
  • People with a mental disorder may have more difficulty accessing the services they need.
  • Besides, parents of children with special needs could experience pressure and stress as they no longer access the supports.

3. Hinders the development of toddlers

  • The effects of the pandemic on families’ socio-economic situation can have consequences for the development of toddlers.
  • Children living in poverty are more likely to develop learning difficulties as soon as they start school and throughout their schooling.
  • These children are more likely to be vulnerable when they enter school, and they have a lower academic performance on average in first grade.
  • Children’s food-uncertainty is at greater risk of having delays in their cognitive, motor, and neuro-physiological development.
  • Food insecurity is also a predictor of chronic disease in early childhood.
  • Finally, other studies have also shown a link between a dwelling’s characteristics (e.g., noise, overcrowding, many comings and goings) and specific parenting aspects.
  • How the parent addresses his child, his sensitivity to meet the toddler’s needs, and his feeling of being competent as a parent play an important role.

4. Effects of covid-19 on mother child relationship

  • It increases parental stress, unfavorable socio-economic conditions, therefore, associated abuse.
  • Besides, parental mental health issues impact the well-being of toddlers.
  • For example, according to some studies, maternal depression alters the interactions between mother and child.
  • Toddlers whose mothers have moderate to severe symptoms of depression are more likely to be victims of minor physical violence.

5. Other Effects of covid-19

  • Job losses, school closures, and childcare services’ unavailability mean families, especially those from low-income households, need extra support.
  • Family-friendly policies and practices, including employment and income protection, paid time off to care for family members.
  • Flexible working arrangements and access to emergency child care quality can make a crucial difference.
  • They allow workers to protect and care for themselves and their children and improve workers’ productivity and sense of security.