
Image processing is a method to perform some operations to improve its appearance or extract useful information. There are two types of methods used for processing, namely analog processing and digital image processing. It is a type of signal processing in which the input is an image and output may be the characteristics.


The Image processing is a method to convert an into digital form and perform some operations to get an enhanced image or extract valuable information from it.

Types of image processing

There are two types of methods used for  processing, namely.
Analog image processing: It use for hard copies like printouts and photographs, paintings, and medical. Electrical signals manipulate these. In this process, the signs can also be periodic or non-periodic. It is an processing task conducted on two dimensional analog signals.
Digital image processing: It apply to digital images by manipulating the ideas, like software and algorithms used to perform is one of the fastest-growing industries, which can affect everyone’s life, like color processing, recognition, and video processing.


Enhanced visualization: It helps to improve the quality of images to make them easier to interrupt and understand.
Feature Extraction: It enables the essential features from images, which is valuable for tasks like object deduction and recognition.
Automation: This can automate tasks such as quality control, measurement, and sorting in industrial applications.
Medical automation: It aids in diagnosing diseases and medical conditions through techniques like MRI AND X-ray images.


Complexity: It implements image process challenging techniques and specialized knowledge tools.
Computational Intensity: some process tasks demand significant computational resources, making them resource-intensive and time-consuming.
Data Storage: High-quality images and processed data can consume a lot of storage space.
Data privacy: can raise privacy concerns, especially in facial recognition applications and surveillance.
Sensitivity to noise: noisy or low-quality input images can result in accurate analysis and processing.