A Guide to Debunking Debt-Based Myths – Algorithmic results should never be interpreted. In the end, it’s just a number. In spite of how shocked or disgusted you may be by what you see, the numbers back it up. People will continue to debate and concoct absurd conspiracy theories despite this.

We’re talking about credit scores here. A credit usage ratio, past payment history, and the total amount of debt were all considered in reaching this conclusion. It’s all about the numbers, not the people’s thoughts or feelings. If your credit score is low, look at these factors.

Commonly held misconceptions regarding credit scores

Getting a debt consolidation credit and paying off outstanding debts are two of the best ways to improve the credit score. Despite the lower interest rate, you’ll still have to make loan payments. That’s not just a myth; it’s based on actual events. Myths about credit scores include the following:

Myth1: A person’s bad credit history is permanent

Think of your credit rating as a existing thing. As long as you’re making (or failing to make) payments to your creditors, things change. Based on your credit utilization and payment history, this number may rise or fall.

Myth2: Your credit score is lowered by checking your credit

The credit reporting agencies will provide you with a free credit report. The majority of credit cards also provide some sort of link to your credit score. This does not affect your score or the cost of doing so.

Myth3: Only the well-off have a credit rating that is favorable

For a good credit score, you don’t need money. In order to calculate your score, the amount of money you have is irrelevant. There are plenty of wealthy people with bad credit, and your income has no bearing on how your credit score is calculated in the first place.

Myth4: Credit reports for married couples are combined

Each spouse in a relationship has their own credit rating. If they mismanage joint accounts, they can lower each other’s scores, but that won’t affect their individual scores. Moreover, no one merges their scores at any point in the process.

Myth5: You can raise your credit score by using prepaid cards

A prepaid or debit card does not include any kind of credit reporting functionality. Credit reporting agencies and credit bureaus don’t grasp them because they’re treated like cash.

Myth6: A high credit score necessitates some level of debt

A credit card account is a great way to build credit if you use it to make minor purchases and pay off the remaining balance in full each month. With this technique, you’ll never accrue debt or be subject to interest charges.

Myth7: Employers use credit scores to make hiring decisions

However, it is illegal for employers to check your credit score when they check your credit report. You need to be aware of the difference in order to sidestep misunderstandings. The media frequently misrepresents this. Your credit rating is private and confidential.


As a result of these myths, many people end up mismanaging their credit and damaging their credit rating. This is a trap you should avoid. A credit bureau or a bank is a good source of information if someone offers an “opinion” on how credit scores are created.