Beards have been around for a while, but there’s no denying that they’re the rising trend. From hipsters to businessmen, beards are all about having a sense of style and individuality. In this blog, I’ll be explaining the rise of the beard trend, as well as its origins and what it means for people today.

From Back Then to Today

The history of beards is pretty long. The ancient Egyptians were among one of many cultures that sported facial hair, including some women! This was also true in other ancient civilizations like Greece, Rome, India, and China. There are some interesting explanations as to why beards were popular back then, but the one I found most compelling was that they served as a status symbol.

Fast-forward to today and we’re seeing another rise in popularity for facial hair. The trend has been spurred on by celebrities including Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hardy, and James Franco sporting impressive beards, as well as the hipsters of Williamsburg and Silverlake who have always loved a good chin curtain.

The modern-day beard trend is all about individuality. It’s a way to stand out from the crowd without having long hair or tattoos (although those are great too).

In What Country are Beards Most Popular?

The United States is the country with the most facial hair, and it’s not even close. According to a survey done by social media intelligence platform Captivate Network in 2015, 55% of men who responded said they had a beard or were growing one! That number was up from 43% in 2014.

Ireland seemed like an unlikely place for lots of beards considering how much rain falls there annually (which can make their growth tricky) but 24% of Irishmen reported having either stubble or both full-grown beards and stubbles according to data gathered by Mintel International Group Ltd., which researches consumer markets worldwide. This means that Ireland has about as many bearded fellows as New Zealand does (26%), Sweden does (25%), or Australia does (24%).

What’s the Meaning Behind Beards?

The meanings behind beards have changed over time. Beards were once seen as a status symbol, representing wisdom and virility. Nowadays, they’re more of an aesthetic choice than anything else. But what about people who wear them for religious purposes like Hebrew Orthodox Jews or Muslims? Their reasons will vary depending on which religion/culture they belong to but generally speaking it is done either following their faith or because some styles are required by law such as those worn by Sikhs. The beard can also serve as a way to assert identity- whether that involves ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, etc., serving as something of a coming-out statement to show the person’s solidarity with their own culture.

The bottom line is that beards have come a long way from those ancient Egyptians and they’re not going anywhere anytime soon!

Ways to Grow a Thick Beard

If you’re wondering how to grow a thick beard, I’ve got you covered! The key is to give your facial hair time and patience. If it’s been a while since you shaved or trimmed the hairs on your face, then get down to business with these tips:

  • Get into the habit of doing regular trimming at home using either scissors or clippers depending on how long you want them. You’ll need to do this around once every couple of weeks for the best results.
  • Use products like oils, balms, and waxes that will help keep those pesky flyaways in check while also adding some protection from elements such as wind and rain which can make growth difficult (especially if there are areas where stubble develops instead).
  • Eat foods high in protein such
  • Don’t shave for extended periods
  • Use beard oil to moisturize your skin and keep it from getting too dry
  • Find the right style – go with what you like best! You might need some time to find the perfect balance of length, thickness, and volume.

What If I Can’t Grow a Beard?

For those who can’t grow a beard, the good news is that there are other ways to sport some fuzzy facial hair. You could always opt for stubble instead of a full-grown beard and if you’ve got a bald head then consider growing some scruff on your face in place of having hair on top!

In cases where genetics or facial hair loss are a factor, beard transplants are a possibility. These procedures take hair from the head and place it on top of an individual’s face, increasing their chances of facial hair growth.

This blog post will examine beards: why they are popular these days, what kind of beard styles exist, and how to grow a beard if you can’t naturally do so.

Alternatives like beard transplants, laser treatments, and other creative methods are available for those who want thicker beards but haven’t been able to grow them on their own.

Final Thoughts

The beard has come a long way from ancient Egypt and it doesn’t seem like they’re going anywhere anytime soon. Beards can be worn for many different reasons, whether to add an aesthetic element or because of religious regulations such as with the Jewish Orthodox people. Stubble is also still popular among males who don’t have much facial hair growth but are looking for some kind of cover-up! There’s no need to fret if you aren’t able to grow your beard- there are plenty of alternatives out there in the world today!