At-Fault Car Accident: What to Expect If You’re Found Negligent – Are you aware that around 1.35 million people are killed in car accidents each year? That amounts to around 1 person every 24 seconds.

There’s no getting around the fact that an at-fault accident is highly likely. Even if you’re one of the most careful drivers around, some tragic situations are unavoidable.

Have you recently been involved in a car crash and are stressed about the aftermath? Keep reading to learn what to expect if you’re suspected of an at-fault car accident.

What Does At-Fault Mean?

Before you get a wrongful death attorney on the phone, it’s a good idea to make the meaning of ‘at-fault’ clear.

There are several reasons you could be deemed at fault. For instance, if you weren’t aware of one or more traffic laws. Unfortunately, ignorance of the law doesn’t make you exempt from it.

If you’re at fault, you could end up paying a fine, as well as covering the damage to the other person’s vehicle. The same is true of their medical expenses.

Even if you’re slightly at fault for the accident, there’s no way you can get out of the expenses involved. As if that wasn’t bad enough, your insurance could almost double after an at-fault accident. This is why it’s best to defend yourself in court.

If the prosecutor can’t prove wrongful death, for instance, then you can avoid most of the associated headaches.

Getting a Lawyer

If you think the verdict should be “car accident, not at fault,” then it’s important to hire a professional who specializes in these kinds of cases. Are you wondering how you can find a lawyer who is reliable and affordable?

Instead of dealing with attorneys from other states, it’s often better to find one locally. The sooner you can find one, the better. The reason for this is that they need to start collecting evidence and building a case that can convince the judge and jury of your innocence.

Even if you are at fault or are guilty of something else, such as getting in a car accident without insurance, your lawyer can fight for the best solution possible. Instead of time in jail and hefty fines, there might be the option of community service or taking a driver’s course.

No case is the same so it will all depend on your special circumstances.

Ready to Fight Against an At-Fault Car Accident?

Now that you’ve learned what to expect if you’re suspected of an at-fault car accident, you can hire an attorney to defend you in a court of law. There’s no reason you should be punished for an accident that happens almost countless times throughout the year.

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