An Electronic Business Card: All You Need to Know About It – Rolodex sat on desks once upon a time, not so long ago, if you strolled the floors of office buildings around the world. Hundreds of paper cards were held on a spinning cylinder using these machines. Fast forward to today, and you’ll be hard-pressed to find a desk phone, let alone a relic like a Rolodex, in most modern offices. Due to the sheer increasing reliance on technology, networking is growing at a fast pace. Everything, including how people do business, meet up, and exchange contact information, is evolving to reflect a paperless, environmentally friendly society.

What is the Meaning of a Virtual Business Card?

A virtual business card is a way to share contact information over the internet. A digital business card can be created on an iPhone, iPad, Android device, or computer, and they’re generally less expensive than their paper counterparts. Like traditional business cards, electronic business cards can be personalized, produced, and distributed to anyone. With digital cards, you don’t have to worry about running out of space—you can include more or little information as you like. You can add a photo or video, a logo, social media profiles, badges, pdfs, and more to your card in addition to the conventional contact information (including your name, company, email, and phone number).

Why Would a Company Want to Utilize Virtual Business Cards?

Customers’ and businesses’ expectations have shifted. Customers are increasingly concerned about having a frictionless means to exchange information and that firms are acting responsibly and sustainably. These expectations are addressed by virtual business cards. Which retain trees in the ground and provide consumers with contactless sharing options.

1. Convenience

As long as you can access your phone or computer, you’ll always have your business cards on hand. Digital cards also offer the advantage of being readily customizable, ensuring that your contact information is constantly up to date. With a few keystrokes, you can change jobs, modify your phone number, or add more information to your profile.

2. They’re Budget-Friendly

There is no need to spend millions of money on paper business cards that will likely be thrown away or misplaced because you can quickly discover free virtual business card templates and create them yourself. This enables you to re-allocate this budget to another area of your company.

3. They Provide Prompt Follow-Up

It is well known that most paper business cards distributed by companies are dumped into a drawer or vessel, never to be seen again. Even if the individual has a business card scanner, your contact information may be lost in the shuffle. A virtual business card is delivered immediately to the recipient’s inbox, making it simple to incorporate into their routine. Following up with virtual business cards is straightforward and fast, resulting in stronger connections. They also work nicely with CRM software.

4. They make it Possible to Share Information with Customers

digital business card can be sent to anyone by email, text, or social media. During a video conference, you may even hold up a QR code that anyone in the room. Thus, it can scan with a mobile device to get your contact information.


You will stand out from competitors and inspire a new trend in your business if you have a virtual card at the reading, especially if you are the first to do so.