Explaining the Technology Behind Mobile Slots – Technology has transformed the world of gaming over the past decade or two. In the past, the only way to play games such as poker, blackjack, and slots was by visiting a local casino.

Those who lived in areas with no casinos were out of luck. They had to travel significant distances to enjoy their favourite games or limit themselves to only playing when they were on holiday.

Now there is the option of playing games from a computer, tablet, or smartphone; mobile slots, online poker, and online blackjack, for example. Technology is a key reason why such an evolution is possible.

Below is a guide that runs through the key technological advances and software tools that are used to help create the most popular mobile slots games in the world.

Random Number Generator

The prime technology and software tool that is the backbone of all mobile slots games is the Random Number Generator or RNG. You have likely heard the term RNG a great deal if you play video games, as this tech also plays a significant role in that industry.

The concept behind RNG is that computers can generate different numbers or symbols entirely randomly, ensuring that every game played at an online casino is fair. There is no room for manipulation or favouritism, which was a significant concern when the idea of online casinos first came to light 20 or 25 years ago.

When you are playing top slots games, you will notice there are 10 to 20 different symbols that may appear on the screen. Each time you are spinning, the RNG program determines the numbers that will appear on the screen. RNG also has a use in other casino games, such as poker and blackjack.

Return-to-Player Rate

An interesting aspect of online slots is that many games have a Return-to-Player Rate or RTP that you can see next to the game when you open up its page. Such a number is based on the amount of money each person wins from a game, relative to their spending.

By checking out various slots games at an online casino, you can see what popular games have the highest RTP. Keep in mind that such a number does not mean that if you spend $10, you are going to get the precise RTP figure in winnings. The RTP is an average, which can be a lot more for some people and less for others.

Return-to-Player Rate - Technology Behind Mobile Slots

Beautiful Graphics

Older casino players likely remember the days of the early to mid-2000s when they would open up online casino websites on their computers. While those casinos did have plenty of fun games, the graphics were incredibly simplistic.

Most slots games would get very boring to play after five or ten minutes, as you were looking at the same static graphics all the time. Thanks to the advancement of computer systems and software, online casinos can showcase much more advanced and interactive graphics on all their games.

When you play popular slots games, you will notice that all the characters and background images are extremely lifelike, unique, and interesting to observe. Such graphics make the game more immersive and fun to play.

Virtual Reality is Coming

The next significant trend in online casinos is virtual reality. Those who own a VR headset, such as the Oculus Quest 2, may have already played various online poker or slots games on that headset.

The beauty of VR casinos is that you can walk around and feel as though you are in a real casino in Las Vegas. The games are incredibly interactive, as you can move your hands to touch various components.

Some games even have the option of seeing the other players who are enjoying the same game at that time. You can interact with those players, exchange in-game items, and have a great time.

Virtual Reality is Coming

Enjoy Your Favourite Slots Titles

The beauty of signing up at a reputable online casino is that you can create an account, add money, and start playing your favourite games within minutes. Most online casinos have websites you can use to play games, while you can also download their mobile app to play on your Android device or iPhone.

If you are new to the world of mobile slots, you may want to try some games before betting money. Most online casinos allow you to play free games where you are spinning for fun without betting any real money.

As you become more accustomed to the way these games work, you can start to play for money. There are various tiers to mobile slots, where you can bet a few cents per spin or bet up to hundreds of dollars. Choose your games wisely, basing them on your skill level and how much money you are willing to wager.